Alice Abreu Director of the Office of Education, Science and Technology Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) Second Meeting of Working Groups 1 and 2 in the framework of the XIII Inter-American Conference of Ministers of Labor (IACML) April 11-13, 2005, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Great Challenge and opportunity for the IACML in 2005: IV Summit of the Americas: “Creating Employment to confront Poverty and Strengthen Democratic Governance” Represents a great opportunity to reorient priorities and actions It implies a great challenge – To achieve the active participation of the IACML in the process towards the Summit and to guarantee inclusion of social actors The common objective of activities of the IACML must be: Assure that the Labor Ministries, COSATE and CEATAL make substantive contributions to Summit process
Great Challenge and opportunity for the IACML in 2005: IV Summit of the Americas:“Creating Employment to confront Poverty and Strenghten Democratic Governance” SeptOctAugJulyJuneMayAprilMarchFeb Jan Nov WGs AND PREPARATORY MTG WORKSHOP ON “INNOVATION AND DECENT WORK” COSATE AND CEATAL PLANNING MTG. XIV IACML WORKSHOP ON DECENT WORK AND IACML PREPARATORY MTG. IACML Activities: SIRG SIRG and Gral. As. SIRG IV SUMMIT Summit Activities: Key Messages for the Summit (SIRG June) WG’s Draft Report WG’s Final Report (SIRG Sept.)
Working Groups 1 and 2 Meeting Buenos Aires, April , 2005 Group I Meeting Labor Dimensions of Summit of the Americas Process President: Argentina Vice-president: United States Group II Meeting Building the Capacity of Labor Ministries President: El Salvador Vice-president: Canada Joint Meeting Common topics regarding cooperation mechanisms and proposals First Preparatory Meeting Discussion of the drafts of the XIV IACML Declaration and Action Plan
Meeting of Working Groups 1 and 2 Buenos Aires, April , 2005 Group I Meeting Labor Dimensions of Summit of the Americas Process Group II Meeting Building the Capacity of Labor Ministries The Impacts on Economic Integration and Trade on Labor and Employment Professional Training Gender Perspective in Labor Policies Informal Work Labor Administration and Sustainability of Cooperation Projects Skills Certification Promotion of the ILO Declaration (Child Labor and Labor Relations) Occupational Health and Safety Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
Meeting of Working Groups 1 and 2 Buenos Aires, April , 2005 Joint Meeting First Preparatory Meeting Report on the Workshop “Innovation and Decent Work” for COSATE and CEATAL Proposals on the Inter- American Cooperation Mechanism for Professional Labor Administration Proposal on an Inter- American Mechanism to Promote Decent Work Links between Labor and Economic Policies Discussion of the First Proposal of the Declaration and Action Plan of Mexico Definition of key messages to be presented in the SIRG Meeting on June, 2005
Technical Secretariat of the IACML Office of Education, Science and Technology Executive Secretariat for Integral Development (SEDI) Organization of American States