See, things up here aren’t as bad as you might think!!
Some of the chemicals Released by the snow Are harmful to our Environment (like Nitric oxide (NO))….. While still others that Form in the snow are Helpful to our environment (like hydroxyl (OH)
This graph shows how quickly nitrate is being changed into Nitric oxide. You can definitely tell that when there was more Sunlight (Apr. 4th), it was happening much faster!!!
Knowledge and innovation are powerful forces for progress in the lives of people and nations. The leadership of the United States and its unsurpassed standard of living rest on the solid foundation of achievement in science and engineering. Investments in fundamental research and education have supported decades of U.S. global leadership in discovery, learning and innovation.
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Deposition Snow Firn Ice X XO X Turbulent Eddy Diffusion Windpumping/ Turbulent Diffusion Modeling Photochemical Modeling Adsorption/Desorption Photochemical Modeling Advection/Diffusion Incorporation into Ice Actinic Flux Modeling Although this is a complicated diagram, it shows the many ways Wind influences the chemistry that is happening in the snow
You can really see how the temperatures made a dramatic jump up right about the time I got here!!!! (It must be my warm Personality)
This gives you an idea of how far we walk- sometimes several times a day!!!
The researchers here sometimes have to put up with some pretty nasty conditions, but sometimes it is the most Beautiful place on earth to work!!
Don’t I look toasty?!?!?
72° 34' N, 38° 28' W Summit Camp GREENLAND
Some of the people at camp sleep in Arctic ovens- unheated tents While others stay in the comfort of The heated weatherport (large, heated Tent)
Atmospheric Boundary Layer Deposition Snow Firn Ice X XO X Turbulent Eddy Diffusion Windpumping/ Turbulent Diffusion Modeling Photochemical Modeling Adsorption/Desorption Photochemical Modeling Advection/Diffusion Incorporation into Ice Actinic Flux Modeling Researchers will be using what they learn at Summit to try and figure out how these chemicals affect the air and how all the pieces fit together.
All of the equipment here is highly specialized…. And VERY Expensive!!!