Graphics, Digital Media and Multimedia Mariangela Reyes de los Santos#19 Francisco Mariano Brandi Frausto#3 Priscila Chapa#4 Andrea González García#11 Slides: 4,7 3,9 6,10 5,8
Different kinds of software May 2015 May Project 2
Painting software A graphics program that enables you to draw pictures on the display screen which are represented as bit maps (bit-mapped graphics). In contrast, draw programs use vector graphics (object-oriented images), which scale better. Most paint programs provide the tools shown below in the form of icons. By selecting an icon, you can perform functions associated with the tool. In addition to these tools, paint programs also provide easy ways to draw common shapes such as straight lines, rectangles, circles, and ovals. May 2015 May Project 3
Image processing software A digital photo is bitnapped image. Image-processing software such as Adobe Photoshop helps a photographer to manipulate the photo. Digital photo editing is much more poweful than traditional photo-retouching tehniques. You can even refabricate images to seem as if they had no tampering what so ever. Digital photo management softwares are set to help capture, edit and then share or print your images. May 2015 May Project 4
Drawing software can be used to cretae a dimensional scene. An artista can use drawing or painting programs to create a scene that appears to have dimension in a two-dimensional screen. But in either case they lack true depth. Illustrator who use 3D software appreciate its flexibility. A designer can create a 3D model of an object, rotate it, view it from a variety of angles, and take two- dimensional “snapshots” of the best view for inclusion in final printouts. May 2015 May Project 5
3D modeling software Using a 3D- modeling software graphic designers can create models that can be shaped and rotated, those who have shows and depth making the graphics look realistic or closer than they are. We can create the same effect with a pencil and paper, changing a flat drawing into one with dimension. May 2015 May Project 6
Effective technique for improving the quality of slides prepared with presentation graphics software Presentation-graphics software programs often called multimedia presentation tools are used to help create visual aid for presentations and also incorporate them into other multimedia products. These are mostly used to create "slides" which might include photographs, tables, charts, etc. that may be listed in the form of a bullet chart. Some presentation applications may also convert presentations into video files or Web pages. May 2015 May Project 7
How is digital technology used in video and audio productions May 2015 May Project 8 Digital video quality begins and remains digital. No quality is lost when you copy your video. Plus with digital video you can capture video directly from your digital camcorder to your computer via FireWire. Analog degrades with each copy and requires a special video capture card in order to import video onto your computer. Digital video resolution is higher than analog because you can choose how many pixels to use some of which offer as much as 410,000 or more pixels per Digital CCD (charged couple devices). No matter what digital video format you choose, they all have excellent resolution quality. Although some digital formats have higher quality than others, the quality of analog can deteriorate only after 5 years. Analog recordings are highly susceptible to deterioration. Although a regular analog camcorder may be cheaper in price, it is imperative to use digital video with digital camcorders so that preservation of your video lasts and remains in the best condition. Digital video cameras are easy to connect to computers making for easy video editing and duplication. Plus the cameras have more features, are lighter, and more compact.
How data compression works Compression relies on the fact that the data is redundant, that till some extent it was generated following some rules, and that we can learn those rules, and thus predict accurately the data. A compressor can reduce the size of a file by deciding which data is more frequent and assigning it less bits than to less frequent data. Clearly compression has two parts: one guess which are the most frequent symbols, and other which outputs the "decision" of the first one. May 2015 May Project 9
Present and future applications for multimedia technology As time goes by we all evolve but we're not the only ones because our technology also goes through changes. For example in 1945 Doug Engelbart and Ted Nelson created the term hypertext, which was important for the rise of technology, and in 1987 when Apple launched it's Hypercard which was a form of hypermedia ( interactive media). Nowadays we use hypermedia everyday when we play a game on our computers or even create a presentation on Powerpoint. Multimedia often uses the definition of text, animation, graphics, video and music used to communicate, this is used in the entertainment business as well as work. So when you watch your television you're experiencing a multimedia product. This interactive media allows the person to experience in all senses the information. Now we use multimedia - authoring software to create and edit documents, but at the end of the day we will still always try to change our technology no matter how advanced it is. May 2015 May Project 10