GC : Hot dip galvanisation Important information Standard for the hot dip galvanistation Surface treatment process
GC : Marketing Information Cablofil Marketing Information GC means Hot dip galvanisation according to NF/EN/ISO 1461 Installation environment Exterior installlation Aggressive corrosive environment Acidic environment Sulphurous ( weak concentration ) environment Alkaline environment Halogen environment Market segment Chemical industries Nitrate explosives Photography Decoration Marine
Technical information Standard : NF / EN / ISO 14.61 Expectations: Thickness of zinc: 55 to 70 µ ; Controlling process ; Composition of zinc ; further information: www.egga.com/fact/fact01.htm Customer requirements Quality control = soft surface without sharp edge to file the zinc 10 years corrosion resistance Zinc quality = 98% pur
GC : Process of hot dip galvanisation 1) Before processing, the metal must be cleaned of rust and dirt ( stripping ) 2) The steel has to undergo rigorous chemical preparation 3) The steel is dipped into the bath of hot zinc ( 450° C ) 4) As soon as the steel is on temperature, the reaction between the steel and zinc is done 5) Finally you have a steel with several layers of zinc. 6) The thicknesses vary from 55 to 70 microns of zinc. ( control ) 1 2 3 - 4 5 - 6
EZ : Electro zinc plating Important information Standard for electro zinc plating Surface treatment process
EZ : Marketing Information Cablofil Marketing information EZ : Electrozinc plating according to NF A91-102 / DIN 50961 / EN 12329 / ISO 2081 & 82, a coating of zinc is deposited on steel by electrolysis Installation environment Interior environment ( underfloor, ceiling and wall mounting ) Market segment Office Service
Standard for electro zinc plating Standard : NF A91-102 / DIN 50961 / EN 12329 / ISO 2081 & 82 Expectations: Minimum thickness of zinc : 1cm² ;
EZ : Process of electro zinc plating 1) At first the parts to be coated are degreased, cleaned and dried The baths used consist acid or alkaline solutions of zinc salts 2) The part is dipped into the zinc bath 3) The part is conected the cathode and the zinc ( 99,99 % pure ) is connected to the anode 4) Than the part is cleaned 5) After cleaning the part will be passived. The passivation is a chemical reaction which gives the blue colour to the WMCT 6) Finally the part is drying and ready for packaging 3 1 1 2 6 5 4
Stainless steel 316L Important information Standard for Stainless steel 316L Composition of steel
SS 316L : Marketing Information Cablofil Marketing Information 316 = Stainless Steel 316 according to NF Z2 CND 17.12 / DIN V4A Installation environment Exterior installlation Aggressive corrosive environment Acidic environment Sulphurous ( weak concentration ) environment Alkaline environment Halogen environment Market segment: Chemical indutsries Food industries Nitrate explosives Decoration Marine
Standard for stainless steel 316L Standard : NF Z2 CND 17.12 / DIN V4A Expectations : The Exppectations of the standard are the composition of steel. Customer requirements: After manufacturing the WMCT is passivated in a acid nitric bath ( concentration 20-25% ). The Passivation is for the welding points which are without passivation a corrosion point
Stainless steel 316L : Composition of steel Steel with very low carbon content Is a molybdenum bearing grade Steel composed by : 16 – 18 % Cr , 11 – 13 % Ni , 2 % Mo , 0.02 % C
Stainless steel 304L Important information Standard for Stainless steel 304L Composition of steel
SS 304 : Marketing Information Cablofil Marketing information 304 = Stainless steel 304 according to NF 22 CN 18.10 / DIN V2A Installation environments Exterior and interior installation Sulphurous environmen Natural environment ( weak concentration ) Acidic environment Alkaline environment Market segment Food industries Chemical industries Photography Decoration Marine
Standard for Stainless steel 304L Standard : NF 22 CN 18.10 / DIN V2A Expectations : The Exppectations of the standard are the composition of steel. Customer requirements: After manufacturing the WMCT is passivated in a nitric bath ( concentration 20-25% ). The Passivation is for the welding points which are without passivation a corrosion point.
Stainless steel 304L : Composition of steel Steel with low carbon content = 0.03% max. Steel composed by : 18 – 20 % Cr , 8 – 10.5 % Ni , 2 % Mo, 0.08 % C
Table of application