A suggestion for SEEA energy bridge tables The link between energy statistics, energy balances and energy accounts Ole Gravgård Pedersen Statistics Denmark.


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Presentation transcript:

A suggestion for SEEA energy bridge tables The link between energy statistics, energy balances and energy accounts Ole Gravgård Pedersen Statistics Denmark Sejrøgade 11 DK 2100 Ø

Inherent differences: scopes and purposes Better coordination and co-operation Bridge tables Different sources, classifications, conventions Energy statistics, balances and accounts Two types of differences:

Energy Statistics Based on primary statistics Production, Foreign trade, Business surveys, Specific surveys (No specific format) Energy Balances Based on energy statistics Supply and use balances Various formats (IEA, Eurostat, UN) Energy Accounts Based on energy statistics and balances Supply and use balances National accounts’ supply and use table format

Energy Statistics and Balances Technologies: power stations, combined heat and power stations, heat plants, auto-producers, gas works, petroleum refineries, coke-oven plants, etc. Industries (ISIC) but some rearrangement of industries’ energy use according to purpose: e.g. all transport in one separate sector Energy Accounts No description of technologies, Focus on economic activities Industries (ISIC) No re-arrangement of industries’ energy use Own account transportation included in industries’ activities

Energy Statistics Territory principle Physical Energy Balances Territory principle Statistical differences Physical Energy Accounts Resident principle No statistical differences Physical and monetary

The link between imports according to the SEEA and the energy balances Territory vs. residence

The link between exports according to the SEEA and the energy balances Territory vs. residence

Different concepts of supply (and corresponding use)

Questions to the London Group Does the suggested bridge table describe the differences between energy balances and energy accounts in an appropriate way? Do we need tables at a more detailed level?