IPP Generation and Policy An historical survey Prepared by Richard Sedano RAP
al.xls Source: Net generation (MWH) by state by type of producer by energy source, annual back to 1990 (EIA-906, EIA-920, and EIA-923)
Pre-1990 PURPA ’78 QFs Avoided cost
Pre-1990 PURPA ‘78 Generation cost overruns
Pre-1990 PURPA ‘78 EPACT ‘92 Exempt wholesale generators Generation cost overruns
Pre-1990 PURPA ‘78 EPACT ‘92 Exempt wholesale generators and Market Based Rates Generation cost overruns
Pre-1990 PURPA ‘78 EPACT ‘92 EWG and Market Based Rates FERC ‘96 888, 889 ISO guidelines, OASIS Generation cost overruns
Pre-1990 PURPA ‘78 EPACT ‘92 EWG and Market Based Rates FERC ‘96 888, 889 ISO OASIS FERC ‘ RTO Markets Generation cost overruns
Pre-1990 PURPA ‘78 EPACT ‘92 EWG and Market Based Rates FERC ‘96 888, 889 ISO OASIS FERC ‘ RTO Markets Generation cost overruns Divestiture, Gas price volatile IGCC heat rates fall
Pre-1990 PURPA ‘78 EPACT ‘92 EWG and Market Based Rates FERC ‘96 888, 889 ISO OASIS FERC ‘ RTO Markets Generation cost overruns Divestiture, Gas price volatile Cumulative effects of State RPS, Integration Technology IGCC heat rates fall
Pre-1990 PURPA ‘78 EPACT ‘92 EWG and Market Based Rates FERC ‘96 888, 889 ISO OASIS FERC ‘ RTO Markets Generation cost overruns Divestiture, Gas price volatile Cumulative effects of State RPS, Integration Technology