April Strom, Ph.D. Scottsdale Community College This work was supported in part by MSP grant # through the National Science Foundation. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NSF. AMPing Up the Teaching of Mathematics for College and Career Readiness
Targeted MSP 5-year, $9M $300K for community college PD Core Partners 3 community colleges ▪ Math Ed Faculty/Researchers ▪ Mathematicians ▪ Doctoral Students ▪ Undergrad Researchers ▪ Pre-service Teachers 7 school districts ▪ 300 middle school teachers (expanded to 5 th -9 th grade( RMC Research Arizona State Univ
CC Faculty Principals Math Specialists Superintendents Parents Students PI/PD Teachers School Boards Evaluator NSF Researchers
1. Partnership-driven 2. Teacher Quality, Quantity, & Diversity 3. Challenging Courses & Curricula 4. Evidence-based Outcomes 5. Institutional Change & Sustainability
338 teachers have participated or are currently participating 19 teachers in Leadership Academy 50 schools involved 93 site-based CCOLs CCOL = Collaborative Community of Learners
67 CC faculty, staff, students, and consultants 1 Scottsdale USD “teacher-on-assignment” 4 doctoral students 14 undergrad CC students
Number/Operations Geometry Problem Solving Year 1 Prob/Stats Functions Lesson Design/Assessment Year 2 Leadership Year 3 Institutes/Workshops In Years 1 & 2… Summer Institute I & II (1 week each) Saturday Workshops (4 each year) Collaborative Communities of Learners (CCOLs) In Year 3… Leadership Institute (1 week) Facilitate CCOLs
Source: Ball, D. L., Thames, M. H., & Phelps, G. (2008). Content knowledge for teaching: What makes it special? Journal of Teacher Education, 59 (5),
Which tree, A or B, grew more? Explain your reasoning. Lamon, S. J. (2005). Teaching fractions and ratios for understanding. New York: Routledge
Source: Principles to Action: Ensuring Mathematical Success for All (2014), National Council of Teachers of Mathematics
Math Ed Research Influence Thompson, Carlson, Lamon, Ball, & others Workshop/CCOL Trajectory Numbers/Operations, Geometry/Measurement, Patterns/Functions, Stats/Probability Teachers as students Rethinking the math! Increase understanding of MK & MKT Through active workshops Meaningful changes in teaching practices The holy grail!
All project activities are designed to…. Improve teachers’ (in-service and pre-service) mathematical content knowledge and mathematical knowledge for teaching
*Statistically significant increase at p <.05 The data support the hypothesis that teachers demonstrated a statistically significant increase from pretest to posttest.
*Statistically significant increase at p <.05 The data support the hypothesis that teachers demonstrated a statistically significant increase from pretest to posttest.
*Statistically significant increase at p <.05 The data support the hypothesis that teachers demonstrated a statistically significant increase from pretest to posttest.
*Statistically significant increase at p <.05 The data support the hypothesis that teachers demonstrated a statistically significant increase from pretest to posttest.
Evaluation Student Outcomes Teacher Workforce Outcomes Higher Education Outcomes Dissemination Research Individual Teacher Outcomes Teacher Workforce Outcomes Student Outcomes Higher Education Outcomes
AMP Faculty Working in Schools Math Education Research CC Teaching Made Public Preservice Course Content/Pedagogy
Beyond changing the structure from 15 week traditional semester courses to 5 week modules, this redesign aims to: Increase students thinking and reasoning about mathematics Traditional algorithms emerge from experience and repeated reasoning Emphasis on equal balance of conceptual understanding, skills, and applications
This work was supported in part by MSP grant # through the National Science Foundation. Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NSF. April Strom, Ph.D. Scottsdale Community College