Chapter 7 frontispiece. The Sahel of Africa E.A. Mathez, 2009, Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future, Columbia University Press. Photograph by D. Haberlah 075
Figure 7.1. The change in the average global surface air temperature relative to the mean E.A. Mathez, 2009, Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future, Columbia University Press. Source: Trenberth et al.,
Figure 7.2. Geographic trends in temperature, E.A. Mathez, 2009, Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future, Columbia University Press. Source: Trenberth et al.,
Figure 7.3. The change in global temperature deduced from the glacier advances and retreats, E.A. Mathez, 2009, Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future, Columbia University Press. Source: Oerlemans,
Figure 7.4. The globally averaged temperatures of the lower stratosphere and the middle troposphere from various data sets E.A. Mathez, 2009, Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future, Columbia University Press. Source: Lanzante et al.,
Figure 7.5. Changes in the number of cold and warm days and nights per year relative to the mean values, E.A. Mathez, 2009, Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future, Columbia University Press. Source: Alexander et al.,
Figure 7.6. The change in the spatial and globally averaged Palmer Drought Severity Index, E.A. Mathez, 2009, Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future, Columbia University Press. Source: Trenbreth et al.,
Figure 7.7. Dust storm, April 18, 1935 E.A. Mathez, 2009, Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future, Columbia University Press. Source: NOAA 082
Figure 7.8. Records of drought in the American West, 800 to present, in terms of drought area relative to the long-term mean E.A. Mathez, 2009, Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future, Columbia University Press. Source: Cook et al.,
Figure 7.9. Near the headwaters of the Indus River, Karakoram Range, Pakistan E.A. Mathez, 2009, Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future, Columbia University Press. Photograph by E. Wesker 084
Figure The extreme summer temperature in 2003, compared with summer temperatures from 1864 to 2002, Switzerland E.A. Mathez, 2009, Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future, Columbia University Press. Source: Schar et al.,
Figure Fire in Yellowstone National Park, 1988 E.A. Mathez, 2009, Climate Change: The Science of Global Warming and Our Energy Future, Columbia University Press. Source: National Park Service 086