Rotary Club of Salem & Area 8 Clubs Campaign started as an idea of Salem Club President Bert Spetzler, PDG Joe Ferguson and Area 8 AG Beth Pline We thought we might work to surpass the District previous goal of $125,000. DG Vivian Crymble reached out to RIPN John Germ and he pledged to join District 7570 in a celebration if we would raise $250,000 by May 1, And we were off and running…..
PHASE 1: WORLD POLIO DAY October 24, 2014: Rotarians across District 7570 were asked to use this day as a way to focus individual and business supporters to donate to Polio Plus DG Vivian’s goal for her term was to ask every Rotarian to donate at least $25 to Polio Plus Area 8 Clubs ran their preliminary Polio Plus Campaigns doubling their goals for Salem Club set a goal of $50,000 and by October 24 had already raised $24,000. All other Area Governors were encouraged to use some of the following tools to ask clubs to get on board with the campaign!
PHASE 2: Public Relations AG Beth reached out to Roanoke-Downtown Club member Jerry Dunnavant, Vice President of ACCESS for assistance with public relations for the campaign. ACCESS agreed to donate their time to develop a PR campaign and charge only the actual costs incurred. Op-Ed written and signed by Salem Club President & Physician Bert Spetzler Nancy Howell Agee, President & CEO of Carilion Clinic John Bartlett, President & CEO of Lewis-Gale Electronic billboard on US Highway 220 North Media Advisory Template – sent to all AGs on October 19, 2014 News Release to Virginia & Tennessee news outlets on October 22, 2014 Social media messages to be used and/or customized by local partners & clubs – October 15, 2014
Dr. Bert Spetzler, President – Salem Club Rotary WE ARE THIS CLOSE TO ENDING POLIO Bert Spetzler,Salem
NEWS RELEASE (TN & VA) On World Polio Day local Rotary International clubs ask community for help Rotary District 7570 shares the importance of eradicating a forgotten disease Roanoke, Virginia, Oct. 21, 2014 – Today is World Polio Day, and Rotary International is calling attention to this devastating disease by asking people to make a contribution to end polio forever at their local rotary club, or at Polio is often an afterthought in the United States, but parts of Nigeria, Afghanistan and Pakistan are still endemic, and as long as there are still cases the virus risks spreading. That’s why Rotary international is spearheading a massive coordinated vaccination program to eradicate it forever. “Much like Ebola, we are only an airplane ride away from polio entering our country again,” Rotary District 7570 Governor, Vivian Crymble, said. “That’s why we are calling on the communities in our district, which stretches from the northern part of the Shenandoah Valley to Tennessee to come together and make a difference.” The dream to eradicate polio began in 1985 with Dr. Carlos Canseco, a physician and President of Rotary International. He committed the volunteer effort and dollars of the organization to eradicating polio, and in years since, other organizations have joined the fight including: the World Health Organization, UNICEF and more recently the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. “Polio has touched many lives with devastating results,” Former District Governor, Joseph Ferguson, said. “Eradication is near, but we need a final push to end it forever, and through the efforts of the Gates Foundation every dollar donated will be matched two to one.” Rotary International’s “This Close” campaign is the last effort being coordinated to finish the job and to declare the world polio free. Help spread the word on social media using hashtag #worldpolioday. We are “This Close” (99 percent) to ending polio. Will you help us get the rest of the way there? About Rotary: Rotary brings together a global network of volunteer leaders dedicated to tackling the world's most pressing humanitarian challenges. Rotary connects 1.2 million members of more than 34,000 Rotary clubs in over 200 countries and geographical areas. Their work improves lives at both the local and international levels, from helping families in need in their own communities to working toward a polio-free world. For more information, visit Media Contact: Anthony Hardman Access Advertising & Public Relations (540) Your release was found on 281 websites, with a potential total audience of 74,074,000 visitors per day. Your release has generated 254 release views, of which 159 are media views from PR Newswire for Journalists. Your video has generated 41,644 views.
WHERE IS THE CAMPAIGN TODAY? SALEM CLUB $35,600 pledged AREA 8 Clubs $ 7, Six clubs surpassed goals Four clubs doubled goals District DDF Goal: $44,989 Salem Club Techniques Matching gifts using PHF Salem Football $100/goal Personal challenge Single large donation Business donations
OTHER TECHNIQUES Facebook Club posted a link to Pay Pal account with information about Polio Plus Club members “share” link with friends, families and businesses ASK Just ask your Club members, friends & family members “Rotary Day” Social event for friends, families and guests and opportunity to talk about the great impact Rotary has made to eliminate Polio
ROTARY 7570 DISTRICT CONFERENCE DG Vivian has announced her Bristol Club themed Race for Polio
ROTARY INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT NOMINEE JOHN GERM Celebrate reaching $250,000 Goal When: Tuesday, May 19, 2015 Where: Salem Civic Center Salem, VA