A logo helps to give products and businesses an identity. Logos are carefully designed to suit the particular product or business. In order to design a suitable logo, you need to be able to: 1.appreciate different design styles in other logos 2.develop your own design ideas 3.choose which tools to use to achieve the right effects
Task 1: Describe the designs of the following magazine logos
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects
Task 2: Choose 3 more magazine logos and describe them in the ways you have just done in Task 1
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects Insert magazine logo here
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects Insert magazine logo here
Describe this logo in terms of: – Colours – Font (lettering) style – Any other design aspects Insert magazine logo here
Try a few different lettering and layout styles out before deciding on the one you will definitely use on your magazine cover. Try designing your logo using different colour schemes. You might design a better logo if you base your design on a logo you have seen somewhere before. Try to copy the style of the lettering and the colour scheme to achieve the result you need. Use Fireworks for this task. Save your logos as maglogo1.png, maglogo2.png, etc Task 3: Design a logo for your own magazine cover