Oral and Written Communication Session 5 Steve Seepersaud
For discussion: What stayed with you from the last session?
Business presentations - a lot at stake Preparation is key. Plan out who will say what. Practice on your own and with group. At minimum, think/talk through content.
Professionalism Dress at same level or a little above the audience. Tone needs to be serious. Even if humor comes naturally, put it aside.
Pitches Determine your purpose. Analyze audience; determine its needs. State main message and support it. Call to action.
Inverted pyramid Method of storytelling used by newspapers. Go from most important to least important information. Ensures there is time for main messages.
Answering questions Be ready for anything. Anticipate possible questions. If you don’t know something, admit it. Don’t get defensive.
Multiple team members Each person should play to strength. Keep transitions smooth. Don’t ping-pong excessively. Have a team captain.
For discussion: Have you seen a good business presentation? What made it good?