How To Analyze a Political Cartoon
Step 1: Identify images Identify images and what they could represent. Be sure to look for the major images or groups of images.
Step 2: Read Read any text on the political cartoon.
Step 3: Identify actions Identify any action that is taking place in the cartoon. What could this action indicate?
Step 4: Author’s Point of View What is the author’s point of view? Is there anything that has been exaggerated, distorted or highlighted in the cartoon? If so, this is a red flag! The author is trying to tell you something. Your job is to find out what he/she is saying.
Helpful Hints 1. Compare/contrast one item or groups of items to each other. 2. Consider the time period. What was happening in the world, country, region, state, or city during this time period? 3. Is there a positive or negative vibe to the cartoon. (dark shadings, body language, facial expressions, style of dress of the main characters, etc.)