RRB Scrutiny Group Meeting A. Charkiewicz, 11 June 2014 M&O-A and Upgrade Budget Issues
SG Meeting11 June 2014 Main Issues 1.Meeting Calendar CMS-SG 2.Expenditures on 2013 M&O Budget 3.Issues related to the current 2014 Budget 4.Preliminary Draft Budget for 2015 (and projection till 2018) 5.Specific questions from the SG following the 13 May meeting 6.Specific Technical Coordination Issues for further discussion with the Scrutiny Group 7.CMS Upgrade Phase 1 2
SG Meeting11 June 2014 Schedule of CMS meetings with the RRB 3
M&O-A 2013 Expenditures Overview 2’633 kCHF of outstanding commitments to be paid in 2014 (of which 1’916 kCHF for DAQ Hardware) Similar level as last year for non-DAQ items 11 June 2014SG Meeting4
11 June 2014 Special On-line Account The amount of 4’084 kCHF has been accumulated with unspent DAQ allocations from 2011 to ’916 kCHF of outstanding commitments for DAQ purchases made in the course of 2013 but not yet paid (will be debited on the 2014 M&O-A allocation) Some major DAQ replacement procurement will be made in the course of this year and CMS plans to use funds accumulated in the DAQ Account 5
SG Meeting11 June 2014 Issues related to the 2014 Budget The status of M&O-A expenditures as at June 2014 is in line with the current year’s budget with some 55% spent This percentage is higher than last year, which is largely due to expenditures on DAQ Hardware (expected to be paid using funds accumulated on the special DAQ account) As in 2013, a major part of the foreseen expenditures is related to LS1 where CMS needs to ensure that all planned activities are carried out in a very tight schedule before the end of the shutdown in December 2014 Overall M&O expenditures in 2014 are expected to remain within budget with the exception of the category ‘Gas Consumption’ (addressed later) 6
2015 Preliminary Draft Budget The M&O-A cost estimates have not changed with respect to 2015 projections shown at the October 2013 RRB meeting. The total estimated budget for M&O-A excluding power is 12’460 kCHF The total estimated budget for M&O-A with power is 14’160 kCHF This budget request may be revised further before being presented to the October 2014 RRB taking into account discussions at the CMS Finance Board and input from the RRB Scrutiny Group The budget projection up to the year 2018 shows that, as agreed with the RRB, the total M&O-A allocation decreases after LS1 remains at a flat level in following years 11 June 2014SG Meeting7
2015 Preliminary Draft Budget (2) 11 June 2014SG Meeting8
11 June 2014 VERA Table (1) 9
SG Meeting11 June 2014 VERA Table (2) 10
SG Meeting11 June 2014 Specific questions from the SG at Meeting Discrepancies in figures between different RRB/SG documents and slides Discrepancy CERN Finance Department reporting and CMS Several factors render the FP Dept. figures incomparable with the SG Vera Table. FP figures are from 31 Dec and not actual budget year expenditures, they include all accounts including M&O contributions regardless of which budget year they are for. Also erroneously excluded DAQ manpower. Vera table on the other hand includes open commitments. Online replacement account Actual amount transferred to DAQ Account at end-2013 is 1’441 kCHF Discrepancy concerning outstanding contributions The actual amount of outstanding contributions for 2013 is 996 kCHF Update of Vera table with information concerning DAQ expenditures current and projected and usage of Special DAQ Account Done (in previous slides) 11
SG Meeting11 June 2014 Specific questions from the SG at Meeting related to Technical Coordination issues End-of-lifetime replacement Initial list of items transmitted to SG (see next slides) Control room improvement Will be pursued with DRC and SG support would be highly appreciated Gas consumption Document describing initial analysis transmitted to SG BRIL Project approval Activities approved and project is rationalization of managing these activities within CMS regrouping all involved institutes with TC playing a major role Internal CMS issue with LHCC informed 12
End-of-lifetime replacement costs First estimates suggest around 6M CHF of major infrastructure end-of-lifetime replacement costs over the next decade, to be spent mostly in LS2 and LS3 Major replacements of this kind are not generally covered by M&O-A, which instead covers routine maintenance and spares costs for keeping the original equipment running Rather than request prompt increases in M&O-A budget. It would be preferable to amortise these rare replacement costs via a fund very similar to that implemented for online system replacement. 11 June 2014SG Meeting13
SG Meeting11 June 2014 Initial list of End-of-lifetime replacement items 14
Control room improvements The Phase 1 Upgrade programme (more and expanded sub-detectors), the joint programme with TOTEM and the increasing number of monitoring systems needed for routine operation put a lot of pressure on space in the small CMS control room (de-scoped into SCX bldg. room previously targeted for racks, instead of (missing) 2nd floor due to lack of funds) In addition, the unexpected and very large flux of visitors viewing the control room and passing underground can distract shift crew. A possible revision to increase space for screen and workstations and route visitors through a parallel viewing gallery is now being discussed with the Engineering Department of CERN. Preliminary estimates suggest a cost of about 250k CHF. In a similar way to the Operational Support Centre, 1.1MCHf project funded from M&O-A in , CMS would like to allocate funds to the control room revision in Some work would start in 2015, disruptive work would happen in the year-end technical stops when CMS is in safe-off condition. 11 June 2014SG Meeting15
Gas consumption This is described in detail in the document transmitted to the SG Over the past several years different measures have been undertaken to reduce gas consumption For a number of reasons explained in the document transmitted to the RRB the actual consumption has not been reduced as expected Re-use of recuperated CF4 gas has not yet been put in place as the stored gas needs to be certified as adequate for CSC requirements Further increases in gas consumption in Muon detector assembly building 904 to match the QA/QC demands of the chamber assembly lines Leaks not fully controlled (mainly Muon RPC which uses the most expensive gas components) Absence of any dormant period between the proton running in 2012 and the ion running in 2013 and early re-start of most subdetector gas systems from May-June 2013 onwards Consumption in 2014 is still expected to exceed the allocation of 500 kCHF 11 June 2014SG Meeting16
BRIL project The detector system involved in the BRIL project are developments of the small radiation monitoring detector systems originally within the TC responsibility and focused on the central responsibilities of protecting the detector systems of CMS against pathological beam conditions, providing a central timing reference and generating the basic beam related backgrounds feedback requested by LHC operations. The BRIL developments, though originally started within the TC project, are now much more sophisticated, and cover, in particular, luminosity measurements and background corrections needed for precision physics. For this reason, the BRIL project has been formed, with its own M&O-B costs to cover the operations of these new detectors (mostly specified and paid as common items in the Phase 1 Upgrade budget). The basic monitoring and protection functions and the task of radiation simulation remain under TC responsibility. For coherence reasons, these TC functions are executed within the organisational umbrella of the BRIL project, in whose governance TC acts as a major partner. 11 June 2014SG Meeting17
SG Meeting11 June 2014 Upgrade Phase I Budget (last revision at October 2013 RRB) 18
SG Meeting11 June 2014 Upgrade Phase I Funding The general conditions defining the CMS approach to funding: 1.Each FA should assume a fair share of the total cost of the Upgrade 2.Obligations of FAs can be fulfilled by a commitment to an Upgrade Project/s or to one or more Common Projects 3.A fraction of the total Upgrade costs (6.5 MCHF) is required as payment in cash into a Common Fund to cover the cost of common items. This is shared among FAs according to the PhD count Some parts of the Upgrade (HF Phototubes and Muons) are finalized or ongoing with finalization expected by the end of LS1 with contributions from participating FAs/Institutes already earmarked (Step 3 of initial construction) Others (Tracker, HCAL, Trigger) have finalized their TDRs and the funding will be formalized on the basis of dedicated Addenda to the Construction MoU The DAQ Upgrade will be implemented mainly in the period and the funding is largely pledged (some costs expected to be transferred to Phase 2) 19
Status of 2013 Upgrade Expenditures Subsystem Projects 11 June 2014SG Meeting No special problems for Subsystem Project funding All Upgrade TDRs approved by Research Board following positive input from LHCC and UCG Addenda for Pixel and HCAL finalized and transmitted for signature to concerned Funding Agencies Expenditures are in line with the established profiles 20
SG Meeting11 June 2014 Upgrade Cost-sharing Matrix 21
Status of 2013 Upgrade Expenditures Common Items The common Upgrades expenditures in 2013 were well within the envelope of the Common Item cost profile The current expenditure status does not give rise to concern for Common Items if actual costs remain in line with estimates for the remaining part of Phase 1 Payments into the CF are proceeding well. However, some 2.9 MCHF still need to be paid. 11 June 2014SG Meeting Status of Common Fund Payments 22
Summary The Phase 1 Upgrades TDRs have all been finalized and approved The related Addenda are all finalized and transmitted for the approval of FAs (except the Level 1Trigger) Expenditures for both Subsystem Upgrades and Common Items are in line with the established spending profile Funding for Phase 1 is considered secured for both Subsystems and Common Items although some contributions to the Common Fund are still outstanding Funding Agencies which have not yet paid their full due to the Upgrades Common Fund have been requested at the April RRB Meeting to do so 11 June 2014SG Meeting23
Spare Slides Selected slides from the 13 May CMS Meeting to facilitate discussion 11 June 2014SG Meeting24
M&O-A 2013 Expenditures Overview Overall M&O-A expenditures in 2013 were in line with the allocated budget There is a small under-spending of 59 kCHF corresponding to less than 0.5% of the total budget. There is an overspending in some areas and under-spending in others. A detailed explanation of each budget item where there is significant divergence between the allocation and expenditure is provided in the document ‘Summary of Expenditure for CMS M&O for the year 2013’ As signaled already at the April 2013 RRB, it was expected that expenditures related to the implementation of LS1 would be higher than budgeted in 2013 to be compensated by lower expenses in 2014 The actual situation is that the spending in Detector Related Costs and General Services is is lower than anticipated. This is due mainly to delayed payments and not lower costs 11 June 2014SG Meeting25
M&O-A 2013 Expenditures Overview The main areas related to Technical Coordination where there is divergence between budget allocation and expenditure: Gas consumption, which was higher due to the following factors: The ME1/1 refit lab and the CSC and RPC assembly labs used central gas before installation, and at flow rates consistent with the level used in testing. The ME4/2 + end layer was commissioned in 2013 at high gas flow The Muon-DTs came back online two months earlier than initially anticipated The Muon-RPCs initiated a gas leak search campaign, which had the side effect of substantial additional gas loss. A serious analysis is currently underway to identify ways in which the gas consumption, especially in the Muon-RPC System, can be substantially reduced Cooling fluids which was lower due to: Cooling fluids (above –50°C) which was lower due to: extensive efforts by CMS to improve the efficiency of the cooling installations, reducing significantly the leaks at the level of the cooling plants extensive insulation work in preparing the Tracker for operation at low temperature the restart of the cooling took place later then originally foreseen, contributing to further temporary savings of the coolant 11 June 2014SG Meeting26
M&O-A 2013 Expenditures Overview Issues related to other areas where there is divergence between the budgetary allocation and expenditure: In the area of Secretarial Assistance there is an under-spending of 63 kCHF. This covers the equivalent overspending in the previous year (reported at the April 2013 RRB) In area of Collaborative Tools, there is an under-spending of 25 kCHF, which is due to the intentional delay in the purchase of required video-conferencing equipment to compensate for higher spending in area A.1.12, Outreach, which also belongs to the overall domain of CMS Communications The actual amount of expenditures for Online Computing (material costs), was 1’441 kCHF with a total budget of 1’900 kCHF. However, the total allocation is considered as expenditure and transferred to the special DAQ account approved at the October 2011 RRB. Major On-line hardware replacement purchases have already been initiated and this is already reflected in the outstanding financial commitments that are reported below. More important costs are expected to be incurred in the course of the current year In Core Computing Infrastructure and Operation, an over-spending of some 31 kCHF has been incurred due to changes in appointment dates of engineers providing related services, expected to be compensated by lower expenditures in the course of June 2014SG Meeting27
M&O-A Contributions Budget years up to 2012 are now fully paid M&O-A received contributions for 2013 amount to 93.1% of the total due For budget year 2013 the outstanding contributions amount to 996 kCHF Funding Agencies have been requested during the April RRB meeting to ensure timely payments of their M&O-A contributions (the outstanding amount for the previous year has been gradually increasing in the past two years) 11 June 2014SG Meeting28
SG Meeting11 June 2014 Scrutiny of the M&O-B Budget A similar approach is proposed as last year, which consists of the following: forming an Internal Scrutiny Group (ISG) within each Sub-system chaired by the IB Chair (or someone to whom this is delegated) – already initiated in March scrutiny of Subsystem finances by ISG – April-May (now being finalized) a written report to the CMS Resources Manager at the time of reporting to the FB on 17 June to be subsequently transmitted to the RRB Scrutiny Group. a dedicated meeting of representatives of all Sub-systems (PM/RM) with the RRB Scrutiny Group to present the budget and answer eventual questions (fixed on 30 June) 29
Summary The total M&O-A Preliminary Draft Budget 2015 amounts to 14.2 MCHF The M&O-B Preliminary Draft Budget 2015 amounts to 5.5 MCHF and some 8 FTEs of Collaborating Institutes manpower 11 June 2014SG Meeting30