Conspicuous for Christ Smashing a comfort zone Acts 11:1-18
Conspicuous for Christ their culture Culture is a combination of attitudes and assumptions attitude “gentiles don’t qualify for the gospel” assumption “therefore we should be separate from them”
Conspicuous for Christ their culture their traditions trumped their theology A church is in grave danger when its internal culture holds back God’s purposes
Conspicuous for Christ God gave a vision to the church’s leader (v4-8) “Do not call anything impure that God has called clean”
Conspicuous for Christ God gave a command to be obeyed “The Holy Spirit told me to have no hesitation”
Conspicuous for Christ God sent a messenger (v13-14) “… he will bring you a message through which you and all your family will be saved”
Conspicuous for Christ God sent his Spirit (v15-18) the ‘Gentile Pentecost’ confirmation of true Christian faith was evidence of the Holy Spirit in a person’s life their criticism ceased and their worship began
Conspicuous for Christ So? The church of Jesus Christ should embrace all people God is glorified when his Word and his Spirit operate together In credit is not the same as in Christ
Conspicuous for Christ victoria baptist church bringing faith to life