E-Learning Readiness (ELR) and Needs Analysis Study in Vietnam
Presentation Outline Introduction Research Questions Methodology Demographics Overall Readiness Recommendations
Introduction The use of internet is still very limited in Vietnam. 3-4 percent out of the total 120,000 internet accounts in Vietnam is used by the academic sector. In E-readiness ranking 2008 Maintaining momentum (2008) report, Vietnam was ranked 65 th among 70 countries in the e-readiness. One of the greatest challenges faced is how to prepare the Vietnamese educators for e-learning.
Research Questions To what extent are policy makers enabling or ready to enable E- learning programmes within their respective organizations? To what extent are enablers (tutors, lecturers and trainers) ready to deliver E-learning programmes? To what extent are receivers (students, learners and trainees) ready for E-Learning? Respondents Policy Makers/ administrator Enablers/ Lecturers Receivers/ Students
Methodology Unit of Analysis Danang University of Economics Ho Chi Minh City of Education Ho Chi Minh City of Sciences Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) SEAMEO REATRAC (Sothern Asian Ministries of Education Organization) Interview Online Questionnaire Policy makers/ administrators (19) Enablers/ lecturers (70) Receivers/ students (100)
Demographic of Policy Makers Demographic ProfileDescriptionNo. of respondentsPercentage (%) Position President/ Rector Vice President / Vice rector General Manager Director/ Dean Manager/ Head Others Number of Academic Employees in Whole Institution Above 1, to 1, to and below Number of students enrolled Above 25,000 10,001 to 25,000 5,001 to 10,000 1,001 to 5,000 1,000 and below Internet Connection in Institution Dial up Broadband Leased Line ISDN
Demographic of Enablers Demographic ProfileDescriptionNo. of respondentsPercentage (%) Gender Male Female Age < > Position Prof/ Associate Prof Senior lecturer/ Lecturer Teacher/Tutor Prof/ Tutor/ Teacher Trainer Other Access to computerYes No
Demographic of Enablers (Continued) Demographic ProfileDescriptionNo. of respondentsPercentage (%) Place of internet access Home Work place Others Internet Connection at home Yes No Type of connection at home Dial up Broadband ISDN Other Type of internet connection for workplace Dial up Broadband ISDN Leased line Other Preferred mode/ media of learning Face-to-face SMS Chat on the internet Written memo Postal mail
Demographic of Receivers Demographic of receivers DescriptionNo. of respondentsPercentage (%) Gender Male Female Total Age < >35 Total Type of course/ Training Certificate/ Diploma Bachelors degree Postgraduate diploma Professional Course Certificate Course In-service course Other
Demographic of Receivers (Continued) Demographic of receivers DescriptionNo. of respondentsPercentage (%) Enrollment status Part-time Full Time Access to a computer Yes No Internet connection at home Yes No Type of connection at home Dial up Broadband ISDN Other Preferred mode/ media of learning Written Online material CD-ROM, DVD Face-to-Face Online conference Online lecturers/ tutorial
Mean Score of Overall Readiness among Policy Makers Area of ReadinessMeanStandard Deviation Management Readiness Staff Readiness Technical Readiness Environmental Readiness Cultural Readiness Financial Readiness
Level of Overall Readiness among Policy Makers
Mean Score of Overall Readiness among Enablers/ Lecturers Area of ReadinessMeanStandard Deviation Learner Readiness Management Readiness Staff Readiness Content/ Subject Matter Readiness Technical Readiness Environmental Readiness Cultural Readiness Financial Readiness
Level of Overall Readiness among Enablers/ Lecturers
Mean Score of Overall Readiness among Receivers/ Students Area of ReadinessMeanStandard Deviation Learner Readiness Content/ Subject Matter Readiness Te Technical Readiness Governmental Readiness Cultural Readiness Financial Readiness
Level of Overall Readiness among Receivers/ Students
Overall Means for E-learning Readiness among Policy Makers, Enablers and Receivers Area of ReadinessPolicy MakerEnablersReceivers Learner Management Staff Content Technical Environmental Cultural Financial
Level of Overall Means for E-learning Readiness among Policy Makers, Providers, Enablers and Receivers
Recommendations Human Resource Development Research and Development Infrastructure Policy Initiatives