COP 5611 Operating Systems Spring 2010 Dan C. Marinescu Office: HEC 439 B Office hours: M-Wd 2:00-3:00 PM
Lecture 9 Reading Assignment: Chapter 7 from the online textbook HW1 due today. Remember: A progress report for the project is due on every Monday till week 12. Last time: Thread coordination and scheduling Multi-level memories I/O bottleneck Today: Network properties Layering Data link layer Next time Network layer
3 Properties of Networks Physical limitations: Speed of light finite communication latency Hostile environments Limited channel capacity limited bandwidth Channels are shared - multiplexed Why: Support any-to-any communication Share costs How Isochronous multiplexing – scheduled access TDM FDM Asynchronous multiplexing
4 Communication channels are multiplexed
5 Data flow on an isochronous link
6 A data communication network
7 Asynchronously multiplexed link
8 Communication Continuous versus bursty The old phone network versus data networks Human versus computer communication Connection-oriented versus connectionless communication Packet-forwarding networks Routing problem Delays
10 Packet forwarding (store and forward) networks
11 Problems in packet forwarding networks Delay Propagation delay Transmission delay Processing delay Queuing delay Resources are finite and a worst case design is not feasible heavy tail distributions of resource needs Buffer overflow and discarded packets Adaptive rate modulated by information regarding network congestion Timers and packet retransmission Duplicate packets
12 Queuing delays versus utilization.
13 Recovery of lost packets
14 Duplicate requests
15 Delays and recovery lead to duplicate response
17 Layering Simplify the design Example- RPC
18 Client-server communication based on RPC
21 Example of layered design
22 Data link layer
23 Network layer
24 End-to-end (transport) layer
25 How many layers should a network model have? OSI –has 7 layers Internet is based on a model including Application Transport Network Data Link Physical Layer Applications are very diverse and it makes no sense for a lower layer to implement functions required by higher layers. The end-to-end argument application knows best
26 Network composition Mapped composition some layers of a network are composed of basic data-link, network, and transport layers of another network. Overlay networks Internetworking interconnect several networks together, e.g., the Internet
27 Network composition. The overlay network Gnutella uses for its link layer an end-to-end transport protocol of the Internet. In turn, the Internet uses for one of its links an end-to-end transport protocol of a dial-up phone system
28 More about the link layer Function: push bits from one place to another Analog worlds Capacity of a communication channel Capacity of a noisy communication channel C= B x log (1+ signal/noise) B is the bandwidth in Hz signal/noise – ratio of signal power to noise power Signals attenuation Signals are distorted over long distances
29 Serial transmission
30 How to push bits from A to B which do not share the same clock? First raise the READY line
31 Signal attenuation and shape distortion
32 Framing A pattern of bits serve as a frame delimiter – e.g., seven 1’s Bit stuffing: The sender: add a 0 whenever it encounters a pattern of six 1’s in data The receiver: remove a 0 following a pattern of six 1’s in data Add a frame header Add a frame trailer
33 Sender bit stuffing procedure
34 Receiver bit stuffing procedure
35 A network protocol may use multiple data link protocols
36 Multiple transport and data link protocols
37 Sending a frame
38 Receiving a frame