Carrying Capacities of the Grasslands in the Prespa National Park Korcha, Til Dieterich, Lulezim Shuka Nov. 2011
Sub-alpine Pastures Core zone: 1995 Buffer zone: 1488 Total: 3483 ha Total outside the park: ~ 5000 ha
Carrying capacities Sub-alpine Mountain Pastures The used formula for the sub-alpine meadows is the following: 2600 Kg/ha / (2 kg dry matter/sheep/day * 150 days sheep on the pastures feeding) *0,8 (20% sustainability factor) = 4,3 seeps/ha 4,3 sheep/ha * size of area * 0,6 (rock factor of 40% cover)+3,5% (relief factor in the subalpine meadows)
Carrying capacities Sub-alpine Mountain Pastures ZoneCarrying Capacities of Sheep/Cattle / ha Grassland Size in ha Carrying Capacities (incl. 50% rock cover taken into account) Core Zone Old4,3/0,61420about sheep Buffer Zone Old4,3/0,62063about sheep Overall4,3/0,63483about sheep Core Zone New4,3/0, about sheep Buffer Zone New4,3/0, about sheep Overall4,3/0,63483about sheep
Watering places for livestock in the sub-alpine meadows Dry watering places Functioning watering places
Ceria Land Use 2012 Statistics
Carrying capacities hay grounds and pasture low land grassland around Ceria A relatively low carrying capacity of about 3 sheep and 0,5 cattle units can be given for this area 1100 sheep or an equivalent of 165 cattle units which can sustainably kept in the area Current numbers are 200 sheep, 20 cattle, 10 mules and donkeys (60 cattle units i.e. 1/3 only used).
Drinking Water
Bee Keeping
Thymus herbs About kg found on the secondary pastures on abandoned fields (10% of 266 ha)
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