1 1 Norwegian Energy Accounts Sara Øvergaard Division for Industrial and Energy Statistics Statistics Norway London Group Meeting December 2007 Rome, Italy
2 Energy accounts The energy accounts follows the energy consumption in Norwegian economic activity in the same way as the National accounts All the energy used by Norwegian enterprises and households is to be included Energy used by Norwegian transport trades and tourists abroad is also included Energy used by foreign transport industries and tourists in Norway is excluded
3 Physical energy accounts and balances building blocks
4 Format/presentation of energy accounts Main tables: –Extraction, conversion and use of energy goods In natural units, PJ and GWh –Use of energy goods outside the energy sectors, by industry
5 Classifications Energy accounts use an aggregated and slightly modified version of the standard industry classification (NACE). Consistent to what is used in the National Accounts. –Currently working on new classifications with National Accounts based on the new NACE from 2008 Products are classified internally, but based on the CPA –Specified in metadata:
6 Distinction between energy and non-energy use of energy product Energy used as raw material mainly comprises the inputs from petroleum products used to manufacture chemical raw materials. –distributed by industry and fuel consumption in energy accounts –Not specified in the published tables For coal and coke, which is used mainly as a raw material, has until now not been specified as such. –Energy accounts consider all industrial consumption of coal and coke to be energy consumption –There are currently plans to also distinguish between energy and non-energy use of coal and coke Not included in other primary statistics, separate survey is conducted annually where energy used as fuel and raw material is collected from the largest companies.
7 Meaning of statistical difference and methods for eliminating them Norway publish the statistical difference (total supply minus domestic use) in the energy accounts –There is made no attempt to ”hide” it Large statistical differences –Probably due to problems on the supply side, insecurity about quality of export and import figures –Petrol 25 per cent of intermediate consumption and household use –Coke 23 per cent, natural gas 19 per cent and “other gases and LNG” approximately 80 per cent
8 For more information Metadata about energy balances and accounts: Latest publication and tables:
9 Oslo Group on Energy Statistics Different countries publish different tables to give an overview of the flow of energy in their country, some publish energy balances and some publish energy accounts. Different users have different needs and will hence have different preferences as to which type of standard table they prefer In our work we focus on the collection of energy data behind these standard tables and on recommending a core set of tables on national and international level to satisfy major user needs The existing terms energy balances and energy accounts will not necessarily be needed in the future, when the core set of tables are made and it is possible to generate user specific reports from the energy supply and use system (next slide)
10 Energy supply and use system