Very High speed Digital Subscriber Line (VDSL) 10MB, 20MB & 50MB
VDSL VDSL is an access technology that exploits the existing infrastructure of copper wires that were originally deployed for traditional telephone service as a way of delivering very high speed internet access. Overview: PTCL Announced Bandwidth (DSL) Data Rate Up to 50 Mbps Using VDSL2 Bonding Technology. PTCL has become the 1st operator in the world to use VDSL2 Bonding technology to provide to its bandwidth hungry DSL customers with Bandwidth up to 50 Mbps on its existing Copper network. VDSL2 Bonding takes two copper based lines per subscriber and aggregates them to almost double the bandwidth speed available to the existing customers and also expands high speed broadband access to areas that are underserved today. Using VDSL2 Bonding technology, service providers can extend the life of their existing copper infrastructure supporting the delivery of bandwidth intensive services such as Triple play service, data and IPTV.
Technology Used in VDSL Technology used in VDSL is Bonding Technology and it based upon copper wire infrastructure. Advantages of VDSL High speed broadband data rate is now more affordable than ever before Seamless experience when streaming and downloading movies, TV shows and music files Access to rich HD multimedia resources over the internet
Modem: Modem provided in VDSL is Alcatel Lucent, and its model number is Cell Pipe 7130 with built in Wi-Fi function. Wi-Fi range of this modem is up to 50meters in radius After services termination modem will remain customer property Tariff Details: PACKAGES CHARGES PER MONTH INSTALLATI ON CHARGES UPLOADDOWNLOAD SUPPORTED DISTANCE VDSL 10 Mbps ,0001Mbps or 128 KB 1.25 MBps or 1280 KBps 2.5KM to 3KM VDSL 20 Mbps ,0001Mbps or 128 KB 2.5 MBps or 2560 Kbps 2.5 KM VDSL 50 Mbps ,0001Mbps or 128 KB 6.25 MBps or 6400 KBps 0.9 KM
Important Notes: VDSL is not offered on Fiber Line, customer must have Copper line. Existing ADSL users cannot change Data Rate into VDSL, customer will have to terminate ADSL service first and then apply for new order with VDSL broadband package. TAT for VDSL is ASAP (specific time is not defined yet but guide the customers 5 working days till further notice). Not Applicable for FSTC or 07 category connections
Coverage Areas: Currently VDSL services are available in limited areas, Services are available in below mentioned regions and their cities; RegionCities ITRIslamabad, Rawalpindi NTR-1 Peshawar LTR-N & LTR-SLahore GTRSialkot FTRFaisalabad STR-II, STR-III & STR-IVKarachi
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