International Programs Office Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) Export Internship Program
2012 Program 65 number of countries that interns researched and/or found solid distributor leads for their companies >50 percentage of employers asking their intern to stay on part-time or full-time after the end of the program 5 number of IMAGE grants submitted or soon-to-be submitted due the program 28+ number of export professionals contacted by students through this program $400k sales quotes from Latin American companies with whom intern initiated the sale (actual sales still pending)
2012 Program Of 9 students, 7 received either an internship extension or a full-time job offer Companies reported that interns helped increase exports by up to $5 million in only 9 weeks of work!
Agenda Program Overview Course Internships Selection Criteria Timeline Expectations Q&A
Program Overview Comprehensive program designed to help undergraduates learn about exporting in a real-world setting where they can have considerable impact on Ohio’s small & medium-sized companies. Created via a partnership between the Ohio Department of Development and the IPO/CIBER
Spring Quarter Class (BUSMHR 4570) Academics –Fridays, 12:40-3:40pm or 2:40-5:40pm –2-4 site visits (Fridays, may be all day) –Taught by and OSU faculty member with assistance from Tim Sword, Global Program Manager at the Ohio Department of Development Class Highlights – you will learn –Analysis of global markets –Identification of good export partners –International pricing, logistics, & distribution
Internships Internships: –Summer (13 weeks, May-August including a week-long break around Independence Day) –Export focused –Paid (average of $12-$15/hr) –May be on-site at the company or done remotely –ODOD will facilitate client relationship & monitor company satisfaction
Types of companies Could be any sector or industry –Will be small to medium size (5-500 employees) Company rationale –New to exporting or want to increase exports –Want access to ODOD/Fisher resources –Subsidy available to hire interns
Types of projects Perform market research Grant application Identify export markets Conduct a SWOT analysis Create a report on programs/services available to assist the company to export Develop a market entry strategy Research availability of buyers, relevant trade missions, trade shows & webinars
Student Selection Criteria Third or Fourth Year Fisher Student GPA (3.2 minimum) Experience abroad Previous work experience Resume & letter of reference Faculty interview Flexibility & enthusiasm required!!
Timeline DateEvent Sept 30Applications Close Oct 4, 9, and 10Interviews October 18Notification of Acceptance into Program Jan-AprExport Internship Course MarchStudents Notified of Company Match Interviews with Companies May 13 – Aug 9Full Time Internships (Week-long break July 2- 6) Biweekly Saturday Meetings Begin Aug 9Closing Event SeptemberAssist with Marketing for 2014 Program
Applications & Interviews Go to for more information and to apply for the class You will be contacted by Tina Hrabak (.4) to schedule an interview with Mr. Sword and Professor Steve Hills You will be notified of your acceptance into the class by October 18 (possibly sooner) Keep Tina informed if you accept a summer internship elsewhere
Expectations You are required to attend EVERY class meeting, site visit, and biweekly summer meeting You may be required to be on site every day at the company during the summer –May be required to find housing Accepting an offer means a commitment to working with that company for the ENTIRE summer
Expectations The IPO will have a central program coordinator. S/he will be able to assist you to find the necessary resources to complete your projects during the summer You will need to submit a status report to the coordinator each week throughout the summer and notify the coordinator immediately if you encounter significant challenges or the scope of work changes
Contact Info Tim Sword Global Program Manager Ohio Department of Development Steve Hills Academic Director International Programs Office/CIBER Melissa Torres Executive Director International Programs Office/CIBER Tina Hrabak Program Coordinator International Programs Office/CIBER