SUNREF program – Sustainable Use of Natural Resources and Environmental Finance TISIF 2015
AFD Activity by Sector and Geography (2014) 3
A variety of financial tools 4
5 Blending grants and loans to achieve higher development impact Core business of Development Institutions like AFD: concessional loan = a loan + a subsidy Mixing grants from institution 1 with loans from institution 2 can offer softer financing For ex EU blending facilities Grants to finance soft components of investment projects e.g: expertise, capacity building, social & environmental costs Fundings to leverage other sources of financing IFI, domestic public (Governments, State owned companies, public banks, Local Governments …) or domestic private (banks, enterprises …) resources
7 SUNREF: an integrated approach to environmental finance
8 SUNREF JORDAN Sector: Energy Efficiency (EE), Renewable Energy (RE) and Environmental Performance (EP) Partners: Capital Bank of Jordan, Cairo Amman Bank Amount: Soft credit lines 53 M €, 2 TA programs: 1/ € 300k (AFD), 2/ €1.5 M (FFEM/AFD/UE) and $1 M (GEF/WB)
9 SUNREF Kenya Sector: Renewable Energy (RE) for SMEs Partners: : Co-operative Bank of Kenya Amount: AFD soft loan for 30 M€, EU & AFD technical assistance grants (€ 2.6 M).
10 SUNREF Commitments (MEUR loans) SUNREF Geographical distribution SUNREF : key figures AFD’s Commitments : € 1.9 billion loan and € 65 million subsidy, More than 50 partnerships with banks, 22 countries, Average leverage effect (budgetary subsidy/total investment): around 15 Results & impacts Renewable Energy: additional 1.5 million MWh/y produced, Energy Efficiency: 1 billion KWh/y energy saved, Greenhouse gas emission reduction: nearly 10 MteqCO2/year
11 SUNREF outcomes and impacts Support the structuring of banking offer around the green economy Improve the competitiveness of the local enterprises Create new job opportunities in the green economy Reduce the negative impacts on local and global environment Reduce the budgetary burden of fossil fuel imports Reduce the negative impacts on the population health
Thank you for your attention Marianne Mensah