Arts and Civil Society
Civil Society The State The Market
Inclusion / Exclusion Participation Policy
The Arts The Arts Council Arts and Civil Society
The publicly funded Arts The publicly funded Arts Council Publicly funded Arts and Civil Society
2006 The Public and the Arts (Arts Council) 2007 The Arts, Cultural Inclusion and Social Cohesion (NESF) 2008 In The Frame or Out of the Picture (NESF and ESRI)
While it has previously been reported that people from disadvantaged groups are less likely to be involved in the arts, the relationship revealed in this report is stronger and more wide-ranging than has been documented before. In particular educational attainment appears to have the most impact on involvement. (NESF / ESRI In The Frame…)
…The issue of justifying ‘regressive’ public support for the arts – the public subsidy of activities that benefit the disproportionately better-off – has a more substantial pedigree in arts policy than in sports policy… (NESF / ESRI In The Frame…)
…None of the mainstream arts organisations are required by any national policy or legislative provision to allocate funding to programmes to promote cultural inclusion… (NESF / ESRI In The Frame… quoting earlier NESF Report on Arts, Cultural Inclusion and Social Cohesion)
Social Political Public Service Cultural Aesthetic Organisational Arts Acts Arts Plans Political Sectoral Statute & Remit Values POLICY Traditions & Allegiances External Environment
The Artist The Work of Art The Audience
Artists' Supports Venues Festivals Visual Arts Traditional Arts Theatre Opera Music Literature Film Dance Circus Architecture Circus Dance Film Literature Music Opera Theatre Traditional Arts Visual Arts Youth Education Local Govt Arts & Health Arts & Disability Social Inclusion Cultural Tourism Creative Indust Local Arts Young People & Education Arts Participation Art Forms Arts Teams Social Context The State / The Arts Council
Civil Society Community Public Participation Intrinsic social /community benefit of arts. Specific social /community benefits arising from support of key elements of arts infrastructure and activity. Targeted social / community objectives realised via support for specific organisations, programmes, actions. o Local Arts o YPCE o Arts Participation
Intersections not just Interventions ‘Artist Self’ of Citizen not just ‘Citizen Artist’ Sustained not just Occasional Quality Outcomes not just Quality Outputs Proactive & Central not just Reactive & Marginal
What policy?
Whose policy? Who makes arts policy? Who benefits from arts policy?
What policy? Whose policy? Who makes arts policy? Profile of policy-makers and decision-takers Socio-economic profile Educational attainment Cultural Allegiance (arts sector as interest group)
Who makes publicly funded arts policy? Profile of policy-makers and decision-takers Socio-economic profile Educational attainment Cultural Allegiance
Does Local Government Arts Paradigm offer + alternative values / traditions + more socially responsive organisational models and support structures + more public-oriented policies and practices + diversity of decision-maker profiles + plurality of social contexts
Certain publics are excluded Are certain arts practices excluded from sustained support by the State?
Certain publics are excluded… Certain arts practices excluded from sustained State support? State (DAHG + Arts Council + Nat. Cult. Instits) adapts to new aesthetic practices but does it ‘resist’ ‘socially engaged arts practices’ not conforming to the dominant paradigm? Artist Art Work Audience
State devotes increasing % of diminishing arts resources to sustaining the dominant paradigm
State devotes increasing % of diminishing arts resources to sustaining current paradigm State pays increased attention to economic (> social) agenda of the arts
State devotes increasing % of diminishing arts resources to sustaining current paradigm State pays increased attention to economic (> social) agenda of the arts Local Govt devotes increasing % of diminishing arts resources to infrastructure
State devotes increasing % of diminishing arts resources to sustaining current paradigm State pays increased attention to economic (> social) agenda of the arts Local Govt devotes increasing % of diminishing arts resources to infrastructure Non-arts agencies / depts reduce arts supports
State devotes increasing % of diminishing arts resources to sustaining current paradigm State pays increased attention to economic (> social) agenda of the arts Local Govt devotes increasing % of diminishing arts resources to infrastructure Non-arts agencies / depts reduce arts supports More people out of the frame
Thought Leadership + Political Will + Organisational Review to address need for new /revised paradigms o remit o governance o organisational structures and behaviours o policy o strategy o supports reflecting new models of arts practice, new understandings of community development, new definitions of creativity, and new versions of citizenship