1 Exploiting Nonstationarity for Performance Prediction Christopher Stewart (University of Rochester) Terence Kelly and Alex Zhang (HP Labs)
2 Motivation Enterprise applications are hard manage Complex software hierarchy executes on (globally) distributed platforms Application-level performance metrics are more complicated than system-level metrics Infrastructure is fragile; system modifications (even for measurement purposes) are not always practical for real applications
3 Previous Work Performance models ease the burden of system management Reduce complex system configurations to end-user response time or throughput prediction Achieved via kernel modification [ barham-osdi-2004 ], runtime libraries [ chandra-eurosys-2007 ], and controlled benchmarking [stewart-nsdi-2005,urgoankar-sigmetrics-2005] Can we apply model-driven system management when intrusive measurement tools are impractical?
4 Observation Relative frequencies of transaction types in real enterprise applications are nonstationary i.e., they change over time Nonstationarity allows model calibration using passive observations of application-level performance and system metrics
5 An Example Desire the mean value of a metric for each transaction type Nonstationarity allows for model calibration Solve a set a linear equations: type A = 1 type B = 2 Passive observations are sufficient to calibrate performance models for real systems Passive observations ObservationMetric value# of type A requests # of type B requests
6 Outline 1. Transaction mix nonstationarity is real Investigate 2 production enterprise applications Implications of nonstationarity 2. A performance model for real enterprise applications 3. Performance-aware server consolidation 4. Conclusion
7 Commercial Applications Codename: VDR Internal business-critical HP application Services HP users and external customers 1 week trace Codename: ACME Large Internet retailer (circa 2000) 5-day trace
8 Nonstationarity in Real Applications VDR Application Relative frequency of the two most popular transaction types Each point reflects an observation during a 5- minute interval Almost every ratio is represented Transaction-type popularity is not fixed Fraction of 2 nd Most Popular Fraction of Most Popular
9 Nonstationarity in Real Applications ACME Application Fraction of “add-to-cart” transactions in the ACME workload Each point reflects an observation during a 5- minute window Frequencies vary by 2 orders of magnitude Time (hours)
10 Implications of Nonstationarity Performance models A wide-range of transaction mixes is a first-order concern for real production applications Models that consider only request rate are likely to provide poor predictive accuracy under real-world conditions
11 Implications of Nonstationarity Workload generators Popular benchmarks (e.g., RUBiS and TPC-W) use first-order Markov models First-order Markov models yield stationary mixes (in the long term) RUBiS browse-mix shown Rethink workload generation Fraction of 2 nd Most Popular Fraction of Most Popular
12 Outline 1. Transaction mix nonstationarity is real 2. A performance model for real enterprise applications Passive observations in real applications Model design Model validation 3. Performance-aware server consolidation 4. Conclusion
13 Model Overview Measurements under real workloads are sufficient (with some analytics) to predict application-level performance We will carefully build a model that can be calibrated from passive observations of response times and resource utilizations
14 Passive Observations Certain system metrics are easy-to-acquire and widely available in production environments Response times, CPU, and disk utilizations are routinely collected by tools in commodity Operating Systems Passive observations from VDR (abbreviated) 5-min interval (i) Sum of Resp. (y) CPU util.Transaction Count (Per-type) type 1 (N 1 )type 2 (N 2 )type 3 (N 3 ) sec6.5% sec24% sec1.2%41914
15 Model Design Each term considers one aspect of response time The first term considers service time N ij - The count of transaction type j in interval i j - Typical service time of transaction type j
16 Model Design The second term considers queuing delay U ir - The utilization of resource r at interval i i - The arrival rate of all transactions during interval i Resource utilization is not known a priori Independently calibrated as a function of transaction mix
17 Model Calibration For performance prediction, we must acquire j The second term is constant for each interval i Solve (minimize error) a set of linear equations Regression technique: least absolute residuals (LAR) Robust to outliers, no tunable parameters, maximizes retrospective accuracy
18 Model Validation VDR trace ½ for calibration ½ for prediction Our model robustly predicts past and future performance min intervals (in trace order) Sum of Response Times (sec.)
19 Model Validation VDR trace Median Error 7% calibrated set 9% predicted set ACME 12% median predictive error An accurate model from passive observations 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 50% 100% 150% Absolute Percentage Error | predict – actual | / actual CDF
20 Outline 1. Transaction mix nonstationarity is real 2. Performance prediction for real enterprise applications 3. Performance-aware server consolidation Problem statement Extending our model for server consolidation Validation 4. Conclusion
21 Problem Statement Performance-aware server consolidation Given passive observations of enterprise applications running separately Predict post-consolidation performance for each application For this work, the hardware platform does not change
22 Performance-Aware Server Consolidation Post-consolidation performance model Application consolidation primarily affects the queuing delay for each application Simplifying assumption: Post-consolidation utilization is the sum of pre-consolidation utilizations
23 Validation Experimental setup RUBiS and StockOnline Custom nonstationary workloads Observed on ACME-variant Consolidated on VDR-variant 10-hour consolidation with 30 second measurement intervals Passively calibrated model predicts post-consolidation performance Median error 6% and 11% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% 0% 20% 40% 60% 80% Absolute Percentage Error | predict – actual | / actual CDF
24 Outline 1. Transaction mix nonstationarity is real 2. Performance prediction for real enterprise applications 3. Performance-aware server consolidation Problem statement Model-driven server consolidation Validation 4. Conclusion
25 Future Work 1. Performance prediction across multi-core processor configurations Passive observations calibrate simple yet effective models of processor utilization 2. Performance anomaly depiction Predictions are used to identify situations where performance does not match model expectations [stewart-hotdep-2006, kelly-worlds-2005]
26 Take Away Points Transaction mix nonstationarity is a real phenomenon in production applications Passive observations are sufficient to calibrate performance models Passively calibrated performance models can guide system management decisions