THE WORLD OF ANIMALS Those animals are in danger. The humans kill the animals for moneys and destroy the habitat…
There are about tigers. In India there are In 1990 in the world there are tigers. In India there were tigers.
TThe tiger is the biggest animal in the cat family. Siberian tigers are sometimes 320 kilograms. TThe tiger is a beautiful animal, but it is at risk of extincion.
MMillions of years ago, there were three hundred or more different species of dinosaurs. Then, about 65 million years ago, something happened, and now there are no dinosaurs.
TThis big, quiet bird lived only in Mauritius, in the Indian Ocean. It did not fly. TThe dog kill a dodo bird and the humans cut down trees and destroyed the birds home.
In many countries, people kill animals because they can make a lot of money this way. Rhinoceroces die because people want to buy their horns. Humans destroy the habitat of animals.
Animals became extinct before there were humans. But after the first people arrived in America from Asia. 73 per cent of big animals in North America and 80 per cent in South America disappeared. In Australia 90 per cent of big animals disappeared after people moved there from Asia.
Lake Victoria is between Keya, Tanzania and Uganda in East Africa. It’s one of the biggest lakes in the world. In lake Victoria there are three hundred species of littel cichlid fish. LAKE VICTORIA
In 1996, we knew of animal species are in danger of exticion. Today animal species are in danger. The world is a more interesting and beatiful place because there are animals in it.
The scientist Edward Jenner found the answer to the smallpox problem: it was a vaccine, and it came form cows. With the help of cows, nobody in the world has smallpox now. THE SMALLPOX OF COWS
Chimpanzees walk on two legs and eat with their hands. Chimpanzees only live in Africa, and in thirty years their numbers went down from to
1ºAbout 5 million years ago, something happened, and now there are no dinosaurs. 2ºThe dodo bird is a big animal. 3º Lake Victoria is between Kenya and Congo. 4ºThe smallpox vaccine is from cows. 5ºMany animals are in danger because humans live in trees.