The Beginnings of Humanity
6 Million Years Ago - Ardipithecus Located In East Africa Climbed Trees (4 Limbs) and Walked (2 Limbs) in Woodlands Ate ripe fruits and animals (thin enamel on teeth = soft foods)
4 Million Years Ago - Australopithecus Located across Africa in Woodlands & Grasslands Walked Only Shorter Arms Ate tougher foods (thicker enamel on teeth) Larger Brain * Dikika Baby, Age 3
2 Million Years Ago - Homo Left Africa and traveled to Europe (Spain) and Asia (China/Java) Developed Stone Tools Teeth and Jaws smaller Larger Brain Rituals Began
Conclusion How much have human developed over the past 6 million years? How different are 21 st century humans from the earliest humans? *Dresden, 1945*Ghana
Sources 1. National Geographic, July Ardipithecus Skeleton (Slide 2) from Discover “Ardipithecus Ramidus Lights the Way,” National “Childhood Origins,” by Christopher P. Sloan, National Geographic, November