Was it Shakespeare or not? – that is the question.
The Mystery of Authorship or just Plagiarism ?
Why are the Shakespeare’s works under the question? Why are the Shakespeare’s works under the question? The possible students’ answers: There are not any documentary proofs of his authorship. There are not any documentary proofs of his authorship. Not a single piece of his manuscripts is saved. Not a single piece of his manuscripts is saved. They say that he was a beggar, though his works have fragments in French, Italian and Latin. They say that he was a beggar, though his works have fragments in French, Italian and Latin.
What impact had Shakespeare on the World Literature? The possible students’ answers: He changed the ideas of people about the theatre. He changed the ideas of people about the theatre. He introduced the notion “Shakespeare’s sonnet”. He introduced the notion “Shakespeare’s sonnet”. He became one of the most quoted writers. He became one of the most quoted writers. He changed the vocabulary of English. He changed the vocabulary of English.
What does the reader feel reading the Shakespeare's sonnets? The bitterness of parting. The bitterness of parting. Alienation. Alienation. Disappointment. Disappointment. Betrayal. Betrayal.
1. How many sonnets are written by Shakespeare? 2. What is the “Shakespeare’s poem”? 3. What are the major themes of the sonnets? 4. What is the style of the sonnets?
Group work The 1 st group 1. The biography of Shakespeare. 2. The interesting facts of his life. 3. The secrets of his private, family life. 4. The mystery of his authorship. 1. The biography of Shakespeare. 2. The interesting facts of his life. 3. The secrets of his private, family life. 4. The mystery of his authorship. The task – create the wiki-article.
The 2 nd group 1. What is the Shakespeare’s poem? 2. How many sonnets were written by Shakespeare? 3. What are the major themes? 4. What is the style and language of the sonnets? The task – create a students’ blog
The results of the research Booklet “Our Shakes- peare” authorship Shakespeare question Sonnets Biography
The Project Realization Plan The 1 st lesson - … The 1 st lesson - … The 2 nd lesson – The 2 nd lesson – The 3 rd lesson – The 3 rd lesson – The 4 th lesson – Conclusions and Assessment. The 4 th lesson – Conclusions and Assessment. The date of project realization is 2 weeks (4 academic hours). The date of project realization is 2 weeks (4 academic hours).