Project Red Talon STD/HIV Coalition April 18, 2005 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board.


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Presentation transcript:

Project Red Talon STD/HIV Coalition April 18, 2005 Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board

Agenda 1:00 – Welcome and Blessing 1:10 – Tribal Introductions – Name; Brief description of any current STD Prevention, Testing, or Treatment Services provided by the Tribe. 1:40 – Introduction of other Participating Agencies and Organizations – Name; Brief description of any services that are provided by the organization to support Tribal or Mainstream STD programs. 2:10 – Coalition Mission Statement – Discussion and Small groups 2:45 – Break 3:00 – NW Tribal STD Profile and Tribal Needs Assessment – NW AI/AN STD Rates and Preliminary Results 3:15 – Coalition Priorities and Goal Setting – Discussion and Small groups; Identify measurable outcomes 3:45 – Announcements and Next Steps - Funding opportunities, etc. 4:00 – Adjourn – Safe travels! Project Red Talon STD/HIV Coalition

Coalition Mission Statement Groups of 3-5 List of ideas, concepts, values, etc… that you feel ought to be reflected in our mission statement. “Our goal is to improve STD/HIV prevention, testing, and treatment services for American Indians and Alaska Natives living in the Pacific Northwest.” Project Red Talon STD/HIV Coalition

NW Tribal STD Profile and Tribal Needs Assessment Project Red Talon STD/HIV Coalition

Racial Disparities in Nationally Notifiable Diseases --- United States, 2002 MMWR Weekly, January 14, 2005 / 54(01); 9-11.

MMWR Weekly December 3, 2004 / 53(47);

Total ID, OR, WA AI/AN in ID, OR, WA


AI/AN Total U.S.

Total ID, OR, WA AI/AN Total in ID, OR, WA




Coalition Priorities and Goal Setting Increase Community Awareness about STDs Build local capacity to prevent STDs Increase STD screening Reduce STD rates Project Red Talon STD/HIV Coalition

Next Meeting – July 18 th, 2005