Youth for Safer Communities project as youth component of GIZ’s Integrated Violence and Crime Prevention programme
Let’s not just talk about integrated approaches but let’s live integration on all levels – today! More practitioners from all sectors should engage with today’s academic findings and to initiate a trickle-down effect. Opening thought
The inclusive Violence and Crime Prevention for safe public spaces programme – a jointly agreed intervention by South African and German Governments – promotes joint action and collaborative approaches to violence prevention with a focus on youth and governance of safety. VCP programme
YSC is part of VCP’s youth focus. Theoretical input from VCP for YSC Learners findings and point of views get integrated into the VCP debate through an official launch and youth conference Youth for Safer Communities (YSC) project
Masifunde‘s programs „Learn4Life!“Bursary Program Homework Club Talent Factory
We see and treat our learners neither as (potential) perpetrators (DON’T DO THIS) nor as (potential) victims (YOU NEED HELP) but only as part of the solution to challenges in our society (WHY (bird-eye view) and WHAT CAN YOU DO?). In all activities we aim directly towards activation of our learners from Grade 3 upwards. They learn by developing and processing content to share it with their community. Two key aspects
Four strategic pillars Weekly Lessons Research Excursions Project work
Taking over responsibility in the direct social environment Examples of project work / changemakers Peer to peer education
Research Phase
Workshop Development => their intervention
Field Research
Facilitation Training
Workshop Media Material
Workshop Phase
Opening Video >> sets the „tone“ Safety Mapping>> safe vs. unsafe spaces >> perceived safety Safety Vision 2020>> trigger their imagination >> something to strive towards Your contribution>> make them part of the solution Local Heroes Video>> showcase positive examples Project Ideas >> activation Youth Magazine & DVD>> follow up & share Workshop Plan
December 2013: - a - Youth Conference with press conference 2014: - a -Continuation of Workshops - b -Implementation of 3 project ideas from conference - c -Website with partly animated films share methods & approaches to be replicated Outlook
Contact Masifunde Siphuhlisa Umfundi NPC Trading as:Masifunde Learner Development NPC NPC registration number:2009 / / 08 NPO registration number: PBO registration number: Address:162 Fordyce Road Port Elizabeth 6070 South Africa Web: Contact persons: Lubabalo Valisa & Jonas Schumacher Mobile: Office: