CVBs & PCOs Miranda Ioannou Dealing with Hotel Room Allotments
Assumption - Scenario A CVB has won an association congress bid and: (a) Has already worked on it with a PCO (b) Is now tendering for a PCO to takeover
Bid to be Assigned to a PCO PCO faced with ready-made arrangements and sometimes has limited power to change contracts signed already Congress misses out on potential savings from PCO’s overall activities in relation to suitable venues Who has overall responsibility for the rooms?
Bid pre-worked with a PCO Option with most control on outcome Avoid all issues related with finding a done deal and having to handle it as best as possible Take advantage of PCO’s relationship with venues and chains, analysis of the overall congress
Effective Strategies Congress analysis - Suitability of hotels based on historical data Room Blocks Room controlling – by whom Pricing – esp. compared to internet rates available Release dates and options Extra promotions to delegates …
Endnote It’s all in the contract details and the business relationship you have with the stakeholders
Thank you Miranda Ioannou SCS Limited