Part I INBOUND TOURISM Unit 2 Checking in at the Hotel.


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Presentation transcript:

Part I INBOUND TOURISM Unit 2 Checking in at the Hotel

Teaching Objectives  Learn the important words in this text  Learn some commonly used prefixes  Learn the process of checking in at the hotel  Use professional expressions

Briefing on the Working Procedures  导游员在迎接客人之前需与客人将要下榻的饭 店联系,确认客人的用房预订情况,包括用房 数, 用房类型等,以便客人抵达后能顺利入住。 客人抵达酒店以后,导游员应立即与酒店前台 接洽,协助领队 / 客人办理入住手续 。而酒店 接待员则应礼貌地请客人出示护照 、填写登记 表 、向客人分发钥匙等。导游员在安排好客人 入住以后,要向客人简单介绍酒店的主要设施, 如餐厅 、酒吧 、健身房等;同时要向客人说 明第二天的大致行程和见面时间。这样方可向 客人道别。

Warming-up Activities  1. Name the five-star hotels in Hangzhou.  2. What arrangement of accommodation do you make after your guests arrive at the hotel?

Working process of Checking in at the Hotel 1.Before the arrival at the hotel: introduction to the hotel 2.At the front desk: registration 3.In the lobby: give out the keys and make the necessary announcement

Working Process of Checking in at the Hotel Before the arrival at the hotel: Introduction to the hotel At the front desk: Registration In the lobby: giving out the keys and make necessary announcement

Explanation of Texts (I) 1. Group Check-in Key Words Key Words registration form, registration form, make a reservation, group visa, passport

Explanation of Texts (I) Useful Expressions Useful Expressions a. I’m from China International Travel Service and the group code is ZJCITS-A with 17 passengers. a. I’m from China International Travel Service and the group code is ZJCITS-A with 17 passengers. b. Could you check again or contact the Sales Department? b. Could you check again or contact the Sales Department? c. We’ve booked 11 twins for 22 people according to the name list you sent us. c. We’ve booked 11 twins for 22 people according to the name list you sent us. d. Can we have 10 twins and 2 singles instead? d. Can we have 10 twins and 2 singles instead?

Explanation of Texts (II) 2. Walk-in Check-in Key words Key words adjacent room adjacent room double room check-out time service hours

Explanation of Texts (II) Useful Expressions Useful Expressions  a. Could I have two adjacent rooms with twin beds? b. Lots of tourists are flooding into our city, so it’s difficult to get rooms facing the lake in our hotel without reservations. b. Lots of tourists are flooding into our city, so it’s difficult to get rooms facing the lake in our hotel without reservations.  c. The check-out time is 12:00 noon and 6:00 p.m.

Explanation of Texts (III) 3. FIT Check-in Key words Key words arrival list arrival list key card fill out twin-bed room

Explanation of Texts (III) Useful expressions Useful expressions a. We’ve booked a twin-bed room with bath three weeks ago for Mr. John Grimes. a. We’ve booked a twin-bed room with bath three weeks ago for Mr. John Grimes. b. You can sign for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the bars in the hotel by showing your key. b. You can sign for your meals and drinks in the restaurants and the bars in the hotel by showing your key. c. He sent your hotel an last week from Beijing, but he didn’t receive a confirmation letter. c. He sent your hotel an last week from Beijing, but he didn’t receive a confirmation letter.

Explanation of Texts Cultural notes Cultural notes works a bit differently. On this site, you bid for a room. You tell Priceline when and where you want a room, and what price you are willing to pay. In addition, you select the part of town and the minimum rating you are willing to consider for a hotel — economy, moderate, moderate-plus or upscale. Usually within 15 minutes, Priceline will tell you whether a hotel has agreed to your price. But beware — if your price is accepted, your credit card will be charged for the rooms, whether or not you ultimately use them. works a bit differently. On this site, you bid for a room. You tell Priceline when and where you want a room, and what price you are willing to pay. In addition, you select the part of town and the minimum rating you are willing to consider for a hotel — economy, moderate, moderate-plus or upscale. Usually within 15 minutes, Priceline will tell you whether a hotel has agreed to your price. But beware — if your price is accepted, your credit card will be charged for the rooms, whether or not you ultimately use them.

Consolidation  Q and A  What preparations should you make before you go to the hotel with your guests?  Which should be included when you are introducing a hotel to your guests?

Consolidation Role-play   The tour leader of a group of 30 British has just finished the check-in and is ready to deal with the delivery of the suitcases. You are a bellboy on duty. Work with the tour leader and do your job in a good manner.

Assignments 1. Finish all the exercise in Unit 2 2. Prepare the dialogues 3. Get ready for the quiz in the next class.

Thank you!