29 September 2006M.Sakuda NuFact06 Asian Regional Outlook (Japan) -by Y.Kuno (Osaka) (1) SuperBeam (T2K) (2) J-PARC current upgrade plan (3) T2HK or T2KK (4) FFAG muon acceleration for neutrino factory R&D/PRISM R&D for muon physics (5) Contribution to ISS and continue contribution to IDS (to be discussed tomorrow)
29 September 2006M.Sakuda NuFact06 Construction Schedule Construction Start Facility Operation NOW Status 2
29 September 2006M.Sakuda NuFact06 Construction Schedule Status Mile Stones Start the Linac Beam Commissioning: Dec., 2006 Start the RCS Beam Commissioning: Sep., 2007 (start to transport the beam from the linac to the RCS) Start the MR Beam Commissioning: May, 2008 (start to transport the beam to MR and/or MLF) Start the Experiment sometime in JFY2008 3
29 September 2006M.Sakuda NuFact06 Beam Power Goal MR: 0.75 MW (50 GeV, 15 A), slow and fast extraction for nuclear and particle physics experiments RCS: 1 MW (3 GeV, <1 s, ~ 25 Hz) for spallation neutron source 4 Ring Final Goal (Phase II) Phase I Goal MR: 0.6 MW (40 GeV, 15 A) RCS: 1 MW (3 GeV, 333 A) Phase I 0 Goal MR: 0.36 MW (40 GeV, 9 A) RCS: 0.6 MW (3 GeV, 200 A) In order to increase the MR beam power beyond this level, various operational modes have been proposed, including the increase in the number of MR bunches, the increase in the MR repetition, and so forth. However, the accomplishment of the Phase I 0 Goal with the robust, reliable hardware is most important. Then, the attempts of various operational modes will be realistic, and efficient.
29 September 2006M.Sakuda NuFact06 T2KK JPARC Off-axis angle Distance from the target (km) K. Hagiwara Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl (2004) Kamioka L=295km OA2.5deg Korea L=1000~1250km OA 1.0~2.5deg Hyper-K sign( m 2 ) CP violation T2KK ( Mt) T2K-II (0.54Mt) Ishitsuka et al. PRD 72 (2005) 2 33
29 September 2006M.Sakuda NuFact06 Conceptual design of upstream Carbon target 6T capture solenoid 2T bent solenoid Tracking by g4beamline Heat load by MARS The 1st PRISM-FFAG magnet PRISM-FFAG under construction 3 magnets have been build and field measurement is underway. 5MHz RF has been developed. PRISM/PRIME -e conversion experiment sensitivity : BR - /sec 68MeV/c +- 2% by phase rotation in a FFAG
29 September 2006M.Sakuda NuFact06 Progress in PRISM-FFAG magnet The first batch of PRISM-FFAG magnet has been delivered in May, Successful setup in KEK test area Field map of one of the magnets has been measured by 3D- scanning probes Finish the measurement for 3 of the magnets, and check the field quality in Sep., The second production batch will be delivered by March, Will study optics using alpha particles (2007)
29 September 2006M.Sakuda NuFact06 MICE SciFi Tracker Successfully tested tracker prototype in KEK test beam (2005) Improving quality control scheme for full tracker production Will prepare waveguides for full tracker Install full tracker in RAL, and start commissioning in Oct Liquid Hydrogen Absorber Convection-type absorber cooled by He flow has been successfully filled with LH2 in MTA at FNAL (2005) Further test is scheduled in collaboration with MUCOOL KEK absorber II KEK pi2 beam line Tracker prototype inside 1T solenoid
29 September 2006M.Sakuda NuFact06
29 September 2006M.Sakuda NuFact06
29 September 2006M.Sakuda NuFact06
29 September 2006M.Sakuda NuFact06