Incorporation and use of the NOAH LSM in the Coupled/Ocean Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) ® Incorporation and use of the NOAH LSM in the Coupled/Ocean Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS) ® Teddy Holt Naval Research Laboratory Marine Meteorology Division, Code 7533 Monterey, CA 5th WRF Land Surface Modeling Workshop NCAR, Boulder CO September 2005 COAMPS ® is a registered trademark of the Naval Research Laboratory
Outline Outline NRL WRF integration strategy (including LSM) NRL WRF integration strategy (including LSM) Long-term (8-month) simulations Long-term (8-month) simulations Ongoing and future plans Ongoing and future plans Issues Issues
NRL WRF integration strategy NRL WRF integration strategy Pre-Processing, Input Parameters Post- Processing Plug-and-Play Physics Cumulus Radiation LSM Boundary Layer,.. I/O Model Framework, Dynamic Cores NCAR (ARWRF) NCEP (NMM) COAMPS ® Framework, Core NRL (COAMPS) I/O Strategy Build WRF standard I/O and physics interfaces into COAMPS ® to allow for: Initial and lateral boundary condition input from any model; standard output Interchangeable physical parameterizations Investigate/modify WRF infrastructure to merge COAMPS ® dynamic core into WRF
NetCDF, GRIB, and binary output options for COAMPS ®NetCDF, GRIB, and binary output options for COAMPS ® FNMOC, NRL discussing specific details with AFWA for operational implementationFNMOC, NRL discussing specific details with AFWA for operational implementation Working with NCAR to develop improved WRF Standard Initialization (SI)Working with NCAR to develop improved WRF Standard Initialization (SI) candidate to replace existing COAMPS ® pre-processing programcandidate to replace existing COAMPS ® pre-processing program NRL WRF integration strategy NRL WRF integration strategy Prototype physics interface developed and testedPrototype physics interface developed and tested Physics conversion status:Physics conversion status: Cumulus Parameterization [Adapted from WRF]Cumulus Parameterization [Adapted from WRF] Radiation [On-going]Radiation [On-going] Land-surface [Complete]Land-surface [Complete] Surface/Boundary Layer [On-going]Surface/Boundary Layer [On-going] Explicit Moist Physics [On-going]Explicit Moist Physics [On-going] Aerosols [On-going]Aerosols [On-going] Accomplishments Accomplishments
Long-term data assimilation simulations 0 3 km 1.5 Nest 1: 111 x 80 x 30 levels COAMPS ® Operational Europe domain (81 km) Terrain 48-h forecasts from 25 January to 16 September h forecasts from 25 January to 16 September 2004 Three experiments: 1. cont -- operational COAMPS ® : Slab surface model 2. lsm -- WRF LSM (“unified” v1.3; Dec 2003) with no soil initialization (climatology) 3. agr -- WRF LSM (“unified” v1.3; Dec 2003) with AGRMET (AFWA) initialization
LSM data assimilation experiments LSM data assimilation experiments cont: CONTROL uses COAMPS ® existing soil slab model with force-restore surface energy budget cont: CONTROL uses COAMPS ® existing soil slab model with force-restore surface energy budget lsm: uses NOAH LSM with climatological soil and vegetation initialization lsm: uses NOAH LSM with climatological soil and vegetation initialization cold start initialization: Soil temperatures = ground temperatures (constant in depth) cold start initialization: Soil temperatures = ground temperatures (constant in depth) Soil moisture = Soil porosity * climatological ground wetness Soil moisture = Soil porosity * climatological ground wetness Unfrozen soil moisture = soil moisture Unfrozen soil moisture = soil moisture Canopy water content = snow water equivalent = 0.0 Canopy water content = snow water equivalent = 0.0 Vegetation greenness = climatology Vegetation greenness = climatology warm start: previous forecast soil/vegetation fields used as analysis fields for next forecast warm start: previous forecast soil/vegetation fields used as analysis fields for next forecast agr: uses NOAH LSM with AGRMET soil and vegetation initialization agr: uses NOAH LSM with AGRMET soil and vegetation initialization Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) Agricultural Meteorology (AGRMET) modeling system Air Force Weather Agency (AFWA) Agricultural Meteorology (AGRMET) modeling system near real-time, off-line, global 47-km resolution agricultural meteorology analysis modelnear real-time, off-line, global 47-km resolution agricultural meteorology analysis model input data:input data: first guess fields from NOGAPS analyses (surface winds, isobaric first guess fields from NOGAPS analyses (surface winds, isobaric temperatures, geopotential heights, and relative humidity) temperatures, geopotential heights, and relative humidity) surface observations surface observations three-hourly SSM/I rain rate analysis three-hourly SSM/I rain rate analysis precipitation analysis based on rain gauge observations precipitation analysis based on rain gauge observations AFWA SNODEP snow depth analysis based on surface and satellite observations AFWA SNODEP snow depth analysis based on surface and satellite observations AFWA CDFSII global cloud analysis for up to four levels AFWA CDFSII global cloud analysis for up to four levels NOAH LSM, outputting soil temperatures, soil moistures, and unfrozen soil moisturesNOAH LSM, outputting soil temperatures, soil moistures, and unfrozen soil moistures at 4 levels, and canopy moisture content, snow water equivalent, and greenness at 4 levels, and canopy moisture content, snow water equivalent, and greenness runs four cycles per day, each at approximately hoursruns four cycles per day, each at approximately hours warm start: reinitialize soil/vegetation fields using AGRMET analyses warm start: reinitialize soil/vegetation fields using AGRMET analyses
Operational COAMPS ® Europe domain (81 km): 25 January to 16 September h forecasts valid 12 UTC (daytime) Climo soil initialization (lsm) is too dry for the entire period; yet daytime air temperature is warmer (better) only from Apr onward (not in winter). Why? Snow-related? Spin-up? AGRMET soil initialization (agr) differs little from slab (cont); largest differences: agr drier from Aug-Sep 2-m dew point temperature LSM data assimilation experiments LSM data assimilation experiments Average number of observations per forecast used for verification = ~ m air temperature
Climo soil initialization (lsm) is too dry for the entire period and daytime air temperature is colder for the entire period AGRMET soil initialization (agr) similar to slab model (cont) until mid Apr, then agr too dry and cold 2-m air temperature 2-m dew point temperature LSM data assimilation experiments LSM data assimilation experiments Average number of observations per forecast used for verification = ~1200 Operational COAMPS ® Europe domain (81 km): 25 January to 16 September h forecasts valid 00 UTC (nighttime)
AGRMET soil initialization (agr) and slab (cont) similar during daytime Climo soil initialization (lsm) too cold at night and warmer (best of three) during the day Climo soil initialization too dry both day and night LSM data assimilation experiments LSM data assimilation experiments Average number of observations per forecast used for verification = ~ m dew point temperature rmse day night day cont 2-m dew point temperature bias day night day cont agr lsm agr lsm 2-m air temperature bias day night cont 2-m air temperature rmse day night day cont lsm agr lsm agr Operational COAMPS ® Europe domain (81 km): 25 January to 16 September 2004 All forecasts from 00 UTC
WRF-COAMPS ® Soil Analysis System Off-line WRF-COAMPS ® LSM system that can run on single or multiple processors (MPI) Off-line WRF-COAMPS ® LSM system that can run on single or multiple processors (MPI) Forcing fields: Forcing fields: COAMPS ® near surface wind, temperature, and dew point temperature analyses (MVOI or 3DVAR) COAMPS ® near surface wind, temperature, and dew point temperature analyses (MVOI or 3DVAR) AGRMET radiation, precipitation, and snow analysis AGRMET radiation, precipitation, and snow analysis NRL SSMI/TRMM precipitation analysis NRL SSMI/TRMM precipitation analysis Data assimilation Data assimilation Assimilation of high-resolution skin temperature retrieved from IR radiance (MODIS and AVHRR) Assimilation of high-resolution skin temperature retrieved from IR radiance (MODIS and AVHRR) Ongoing and future plans Ongoing and future plans
COAMPS ® LSM System COAMPS ® LSM System will be transitioned to operations 30 Sept 2005 will be transitioned to operations 30 Sept 2005 will not be “turned on” until viable soil initialization is available will not be “turned on” until viable soil initialization is available funding expires 30 Sept 2005 funding expires 30 Sept 2005 WRF-COAMPS ® Soil Analysis System testing slowed by MSRC downtime due to Katrina testing slowed by MSRC downtime due to Katrina merger with HRLDAS/ new WRF system ? merger with HRLDAS/ new WRF system ? viability/use for non-CONUS areas viability/use for non-CONUS areas AGRMET global resolution (15 km?) AGRMET global resolution (15 km?) spin-up time/data availability spin-up time/data availability What version of LSM code do we have/use? What version of LSM code do we have/use? configuration management configuration management How does WRF-COAMPS ® SI integrate into LSM? How does WRF-COAMPS ® SI integrate into LSM? databases (global) applicable for high-resolutions (~1km) databases (global) applicable for high-resolutions (~1km) NASA LIS (?) NASA LIS (?) Validation/Evaluation Validation/Evaluation Integration of LSM with urban parameterization Integration of LSM with urban parameterization Issues Issues
Tobolsk, Russia 10-m air temp (C) Control LSM AGR 36-h fcst valid 12 UTC 10 Jan m mixing ratio (*0.1 g/kg) 36-h fcst valid 00 UTC 11 Jan 2003 Europe Nest 1 (81 km): 00 UTC Jan 1 to 00 UTC 15 Jan 2003 LSM data assimilation experiments LSM data assimilation experiments Obs cont lsm agr Obs cont lsm agr cont lsm agr cont lsm agr
All36-hforecasts pressure (hPa) Airtemperature (deg C) LSM data assimilation experiments LSM data assimilation experiments COAMPS ® 1-15 January 2003 CONUS nest 2 (27 km) Dew point temperature (deg C)
10-cm soil temperature (C) 10-cm soil moisture (vol. fraction) SCAN Observations Near Billings, MT cm soil moisture AGR SCAN obs cm soil temperature AGR SCAN obs forecast hour Near Atlanta, GA 10-cm soil moisture AGR SCAN obs 10-cm soil temperature AGR SCAN obs COAMPS AGR soil temperature too cold over last 12-h of forecast COAMPS AGR soil moisture too moist for the entire forecast COAMPS AGR soil temperature too cold over the entire forecast COAMPS AGR soil moisture slightly moister than observations for the entire forecast agr 0- to 36-h fcst from 00 UTC 01 Jan 2003 COAMPS ® 1-15 January 2003 CONUS nest 2 (27 km) agr 12-h fcst valid 12 UTC 01 Jan 2003