2 265 litres a day! How much water does a tree use? How many days would it take you to drink as much as a tree does in a day? Most people just drink 2 litres a day!
Challenge 1! 3 Can you drink as much water as a tree? An average tree takes up 265 litres a day from the ground through its roots. That’s 180ml a minute! Trees roots are usually as long as the tree is tall, so a tree 5 metres tall collects water 5 metres away from the trunk. This is the same as a person drinking 750ml of water through a straw in 10 seconds. How much water can you drink though a straw in 10 seconds?
4 Drain Transpiration (The evaporation of water from plants) 8 trees = 2120litres How trees can reduce ‘Creep’.
Challenge 2! 5 How else do trees help drainage? The roots from trees make the soil more porous. This means it can soak up more water. Which is more porous, a sponge or a stone? Tip 500ml of water over both items, and measure how much water you collect underneath. The more porous the material, the less water you should collect.
Challenge 3 6 How else do trees help drainage? Can you make a material more porous? Take a piece of clay and pour water over it. Collect and measure the water. Experiment with ways of making the clay more porous and repeat the test.