Flow of fund would be closely monitored to ensure that interventions reach the target beneficiaries on time. Computerisation of State/Districts Mission Director offices. Collection of Tartget & Achievement data and other data at the root level Monitoring of Beneficiaries details and Input Supply details upto Panchayat level Finalizing the advance estimates of Area, Production & Yield of the NFSM crops Constant monitoring and concurrent evaluation for assessing the impact of the interventions for a result oriented approach by the implementing agencies To collect basic information right from Farm level To provide E-bridge between farmers and NFSM
WHAT ICT FACILITATES NOW ….. NFSM WEBSITE : ( --- NFSM activities, Objectives, Policies, NFSM Guidelines, State’s Action Plan --- Mission Director details, Progress, Presentations, News/Current Events --- Interventions and crop based guidelines for improving production --- NFSM coverage areas --- Agro-Climate conditions, crop, rainfall etc. through National Map up to State and district level. --- RSS feed mechanism to facilitate recent updated pages --- Sitemap to allow users to navigate around quickly --- Dynamic Web Page for each State to highlight their performance and achievements, success stories, area, production and yield statistics and observations of the monitoring committees
NFSM-MIS : Monitoring System for NFSM Functionaries, Beneficiary Details, Baseline Survey Data Input Supply & Supplier Details Fund Release, Expenditure, Unspent Balance Finalising the Physical and Financial Target as per State’s Action Plan Progress of Physical Target and Financial Utilisation Area, Production & Yield (APY) Work flow based Tour Monitoring System to enable to monitor touring officials - Submission Tour Programme and approval through online - TOUR REPORTS along with ACTION POINTS submission - alert mechanism Dynamic State wise web pages - Locating State’s information easily - Pages are automatically updated with content coming from States through Progress reports, success stories, area, production and yield Provision for Interface for Interactive Discussions, Achievements, Best Practices & experiences through feedback form WHAT ICT FACILITATES NOW …... CONTD….
-- Though the Monitoring System in place, Data is not coming from District level in time. -- Secretary, Agriculture has taken serious view on this and circulated a letter to all State’s Officials. 100% Data Available on Progress details at State Level Monitoring Reports available 100% submitted through Online Tour Monitoring System
Expectations from States / Districts From STATE LEVEL: States are requested to ensure that the DATA are entered by Districts for Progress details, Beneficiary and Input Supply Details, APY details on regular basis. Ensure the authenticity, correctness of Progress Data entered by Districts States are also to ensure that the Input Supply to the Beneficiaries reaches in time Regular Computer Training Programme to be arranged for District level officers States are requested to bring in synergy between NFSM activities and other ongoing programmes of State / Government of India for achieving the deliverable targets From District Level: (Mandatory) --- District Functionary Details --- Beneficiary Details --- Input Supply Details including Supplier information --- Progress Details for every quarter --- Video Conference facilities at district NIC office may be utilised for interaction purposes with State/Central level NFSM officers.
Currnent Status of Data Entry at District level For the Current Year:
Currnent Status of Data Entry at District level For the Previous Year:
State / Year / Crop wise Target and Achievement