Microscopic Theory of Many-Particle Systems (Dept. of Condensed Matter Theory) 1.Electronic properties of disordered and correlated lattice systems Researchers.


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Presentation transcript:

Microscopic Theory of Many-Particle Systems (Dept. of Condensed Matter Theory) 1.Electronic properties of disordered and correlated lattice systems Researchers (9): V. Janiš, F. Máca, A. Shick, J. Kolorenč, A. Kalvová, A. Kauch, V. Pokorný, J. Vackář, J. Kuneš (since 2015), PhD students (3): A. Kozub, M. Novák, J. F. Afonso Retired/part time (5): J. Kudrnovský, V. Drchal, J. Málek, K. Král, J. Mašek 2.Statistical physics of large correlated many- body systems Researchers (5): V. Janiš, F. Slanina, K. Netočný, M. Kotrla, A. Kauch

Age structure

Experience & knowledge base 1.Traditional  Theory of disordered electrons – metallic alloys (CPA)  Semiconductor physics (magnetic semiconductors)  Ab-initio calculations of electronic structure (DFT, pseudopotentials) 2.Modern extensions  Electron correlations (Dynamical mean-field theory)  Collective phenomena & critical behavior of complex systems  Dynamical & non-equilibrium processes  Numerical simulations & numerically exact methods

Research orientation I Electronic properties of solids (correlations & disorder) (70%, 8.5 FTE + 3 PhD students)  Microscopic models – model solutions & development of new theoretical approaches to interacting electrons in metals and alloys (Hubbard & SIAM, DMFT & non-local corrections, 2P vertex & response functions, 2P self-consistency)  First-principles calculations – first-principles (quantum-mechanical) calculations, combination of DFT & DMFT to cover correlation effects, maintenance & development of (own) numerical codes (LDA, LDA + U, LDA+DMFT, exact diagonalization, QMC, finite elements)  Materials properties – materials specific (ab-initio) calculations of various physical phenomena (magnetic structure, transport properties, spintronics, magnetoresitance, galvanomagnetic effects, AHE, photoemission, multiplet structure & transitions in actinides)

Research orientation II Equilibrium & non-equilibrium statistical systems (30%, 4.5 FTE)  Critical phenomena – quantum and classical unconventional ordering, frustrated spin & complex systems (mean-field theory of spin-glass models, localization-delocalization transition, metal-insulator transitions, superconductivity, Kondo physics)  Non-equilibrium phenomena – fast, non-relaxed & growth processes (steady states, far-from-equilibrium mesoscopic systems, large fluctuations, transient quasiparticle dynamics, non-equilibrium Green functions, multiscale approach to crystal growth)  Interdisciplinary applications – networking, econophysics, biophysics (stochastic models for economic processes, networking, social organization, opinion spread, optimization, molecular motors)

Major achievements in  Theory of anomalous Hall effect in random alloys from first principles First relativistic consistent ab-initio theory of anomalous Hall effect in metallic random alloys applied to transition metallic ferromagnets and Heussler alloys. (Phys. Rev B. 84 (2011) , 86 (2012) , 88 (2013) , 89 (2014) )

Major achievements in  Explanation of nonexistence of magnetism in the ground state of Pu based compounds Correlated band theory was used to explain nonmagnetic ground state in Pu based compounds including the multiplet structure and the character of the pairing mechanism in Pu superconductors. (Phys. Rev. B 83 (2011) , 87 (2013) , 89 (2014) ) Spectral Density of  -Pu Fermi Surface of PuCoGa 5

Major achievements in  Proof of itinerant origin of impurity Mn band in (GaMn)As Based on optical experiments and theoretical calculations (TBA & ab-initio) convincing arguments were presented in favor of the itinerant picture of magnetism in (Ga,Mn)As. (Phys. Rev. Lett. 105 (2010) )

Major achievements in  Proof of the existence of continuous RSB solution in a model without spin- reflection symmetry The Parisi continuous replica-symmetry breaking constructed and proven to describe equilibrium of the p-state Potts spin glass (beyond cavity 1RSB approach). (J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 23, (2011) , Phys. Rev. B 84 (2011) ) Instability (red) and entropy of 1RSB (blue) Free-energy difference between continuous RSB and 1RSB (red) and RS (green) solutions

Major achievements in  Book on Modeling in Econophysics (Academy Award) Most comprehensive and up-to-date account of models rooted in physics and mathematics used for modeling economic and social phenomena. (Essentials of Econophysics Modelling, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2014)

Importance & outreach  Research activities Research grants (2 GAAV, 6 GAČR, 4 MŠMT ~ 17M CZK) International collaboration (2 collaborative grants CZ-DE ~2. 5 M CZK)  Humboldt fellowship ( U Hamburg 1.5 Year)  Fulbright Scholar ( Visiting Professor at LSU, 8 months)  Visiting EC Senior Researcher (EC-JRC ITU Karlsruhe 2 years) Invited talks at international conferences (19) Support for experimental groups (Dept. Cond. Matt., Charles U, ITU Karlsruhe, Depts. Spintronics, Funct. Mat. FZU AV ČR)  Educational & public activities  Regular lecturing at Charles U ( 2 Bc, 10 Ms/PhD semester courses, 2 Profs.)  PhD programs supervision at Charles U (4 defended, 3 active PhD students on 15 publications, 4 members in PhD Program Boards)  Public lecturing (occasional)

Future targets & development Microscopic modeling Large-scale calculations Materials properties  Microscopic modeling  Models of interacting and disordered electrons (multiorbital)  Analytic techniques for strong electron correlations (response functions)  Dynamical fluctuations in and out of equilibrium (relaxation)  Classical & quantum criticality and phase transitions (impurity & lattice)  Large-scale calculations (ERC Consolidation Grant)  DFT/LDA based ab-initio programs for complex systems  DMFT based extensions of DFT – non-local correlations  Quantum Monte-Carlo simulations for response functions  Materials properties  Unconventional states in SCES, magnetic and thermodynamic properties  Core-level spectra of transition metals & actinides  Antiferromagnetic semiconductors for spintronics (transport properties)  Spin-orbit coupling in disordered alloys (relativistic effects)  Magnetic impurities on 2D structures (graphene)

Sustainability  Running grants: 4 GAČR, 1 ERC (1 PhD student, 2 postdocs)  Age structure in 5 years: projected (frozen)