DAFF 2012/13 MID-TERM ORGANISATIONAL PERFORMANCE REPORT HIGHLIGHTS Acting Director- General Mr. Sipho Ntombela 13 November 2012
2 PRESENTATION OUTLINE Vision and Strategic Goals of DAFF Overview Performance by Programmes Financial Statements Actual Spending per Programme Actual Spending per Economic Classification Conclusion 2
3 VISION AND STRATEGIC GOALS OF DAFF VISION A leading, dynamic, united, prosperous and people-centred sector. STRATEGIC GOALS Increased profitable production of food, fibre and timber products by all categories of producers (subsistence, smallholder and commercial). Sustained management of natural resources. Effective national regulatory services and risk management systems. A transformed and united sector. Increased contribution of the sector to economic growth and development. Effective and efficient governance.
4 OVERVIEW The Department presents its mid-term organisational performance report for the 2012/13 financial year. This presentation focuses attention on the departmental achievements made during the mid-term period, and highlights the performance status of planned deliverables and challenges encountered. DAFF contributes directly to three of the 12 Outcomes to achieve related outputs: Outcome 4: Decent employment through inclusive economic growth. Outcome 7: Vibrant, equitable and sustainable rural communities contributing towards food security for all. Outcome 10: Protect and enhance our environmental assets and natural resources. The planning was guided by government's key policies, namely the New Growth Path (NGP),The Industrial Policy Action Plan (IPAP2), the Comprehensive Rural Development Programme (CRDP) and the Integrated Growth and Development Plan (IGDP) for agriculture, forestry and fisheries.
5 OVERVIEW CONT… The Department identified the following five areas as strategic priorities for the financial year: 1) Create employment by increasing the number of participants in the agricultural, forestry and fisheries sectors through support for smallholders and processors. 2) Improve the food security initiative by coordinating production systems to increase the profitable production, handling and processing of food, fibre and timber products by all categories of producers. 3) Improve the income and conditions of farm workers, foresters and fishers. 4) Enhance exports by facilitating market access for agricultural, forestry and fisheries products. 5) Ensure the sustainable use of natural resources.
6 PROGRAMME 1: ADMINISTRATION Purpose Provide strategic leadership, management and support services to the Department. The aim of the programme is to lead, support and promote agricultural, forestry and fisheries resources management through policies, strategies and programmes to enhance sustainable use, and to achieve economic growth, job creation, food security, rural development and transformation. Corporate Services: To render sound human resources management and development, security and information management. Chief Financial Office: To provide the Department with sound financial services. Policy Planning, Monitoring and Evaluation: To direct the provision of policy analysis, formulation, planning and monitoring and evaluation in order to facilitate the improvements of the Department’s performance. Stakeholder Relations, Communication and Legal Services: To provide the Department with legal and communication services and promote intergovernmental and stakeholder relations.
7 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 3: Provide effective audit, investigative and legal, human resources and financial risk management Percentage reduction in vacancy rate 11%Filling of vacancies in the Department. Vacancy rate has decreased to 13%. Long process for filling of a post. SO 5: Provide leadership and manage communication and information Knowledge and Information Management Strategy approved and implemented Review and implement phase 1 of Knowledge and Information Managemen t Strategy KIM Strategy developed and due for GOPC approval; KIM guidelines reviewed for inclusivity; Supporting DAFF File Plan finalized and approved by the National Archives. Integration with previous plans in particular, the Export/Import System. Continue with Microsoft Sharepoint trials in order to provide users with a better understanding of an EDMS product. 7
8 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChalleng es Corrective Measures SO 2: Strengthen policy, planning, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and sector information Approved monitoring, evaluation and reporting guidelines Develop PDAs monitoring, evaluation and reporting guidelines and review DAFF monitoring, evaluation and reporting guidelines. DAFF reviewed Monitoring, Evaluation and Reporting (MER) guidelines have been approved by DEXCO on 29 th September Plans aligned to the MTSF Align national and provincial plans with Presidential Outcomes and targets The integrated outcomes plan that was developed with provinces is being used for reporting on Outcome 7 in particular by provinces and is aligned to DAFF Strategic Plan. DAFF has participated in strategic planning and review sessions of four provinces (Limpopo, Free State, Northern Cape, Western Cape) to address the overall alignment of plans within the sector. 8
9 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 2: Strengthen policy, planning, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and sector information Comprehensiv e economic reports for the sector Reports on economic indicators and trends for the sector 2 quarterly Economic Reports published: The report gives an economic analysis of agriculture from a global perspective to a more focused domestic environment. Weekly Price Watch reports are also released. Existing policies reviewed Review existing policies The Legislative Review process as led by D: Legal Services has taken over the review of policies and Acts of Parliament with support from the University of Pretoria. Instead, the focus in this sub-programme is on developing a policy framework for which progress is reported under DPRS below. 9
10 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 2: Strengthen policy, planning, monitoring, evaluation, reporting and sector information Targeted R&D programme developed Implement targeted R&D programme SLAs have been concluded and awaiting signature finalization by both DAFF and the service provider (ARC). Projects were to be undertaken jointly with the Provinces. However, there has been a time lag owing to extensive engagement with the Provinces. The projects are now included within the package of research projects to be undertaken with the ARC. Comprehensive statistical database for the sector National statistical information and reports The following statistical reports were published: Quarterly Crops and Markets; monthly crop estimate reports; quarterly livestock estimates; and SA Food Security Bulletin. 10
11 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 1: Increase equity, ownership and participation of previously disadvantage d individuals (PDIs) Number of smallholder and subsistence producers accessing financial services (including grants) smallholder producers supported through Mafisa Smallholder farmers assisted. Some farmers do not meet the credit criteria; Mafisa is competing with grants eg. Cooperative incentive scheme, recapitalization and grants from Social Development. The number of intermediaries has also been reduced due to expired contracts. A credit guarantee scheme is being negotiated. There is a need to link grants with loans so that the competition can be eliminated. Potential intermediaries have been invited to submit proposals. 11
12 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 1: Increase equity, ownership and participation of previously disadvantaged individuals (PDIs) Number of smallholder and subsistence producers accessing financial services (including grants) smallholder producers supported through CASP smallholder producers supported subsistence producers supported (Ilima) subsistence producers supported. 12
13 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 4: Improve departmental service excellence through implementation of quality standards, Batho Pele principles and general legislative mandate Compliance to legislation, prescripts, procedures and guidelines Unqualified audit report on financial statements Audit Matrix was developed to address the 2011/12 Audit findings and was submitted to National Treasury on 28 September
14 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 1: Establish and strengthen cooperative governance and functional relations with local and international stakeholders Enhanced stakeholder participation with national departments and the other two spheres of government and relevant stakeholders Develop a format of engagement and identify areas of engagements Document has been developed on the deployment of SMS members to Commodity Groups and it was tabled at DEXCO for approval. 14
15 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallen ges Corrective Measures SO 1: Establish and strengthen cooperative governance and functional relations with local and international stakeholders Enhanced stakeholder participation with national departments and the other two spheres of government and relevant stakeholders Ensure the development of Intergovernmental Strategy The Terms of Reference (ToR) preceding the development of the strategy has been taken through the routine processes for the Chief Director. Once the process is complete, the ToR will be sent for the attention of the service provider as a matter of proposal towards the draft strategy. 15
16 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallen ges Corrective Measures SO 4: Improve departmental service excellence through implementation of quality standards, Batho Pele principles and general legislative mandate Oversee the implementation of the Deployment Framework to commodity groups and municipalities Efficient stakeholder service delivery A number of meetings were held to introduce SMS members to Commodity Groups that they are deployed to, i.e. Milk South Africa, Cotton South Africa, NERPO, South African Wine Industry Trust and South African Ostrich Business Chamber. 16
17 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 4: Improve departmental service excellence through implementation of quality standards, Batho Pele principles and general legislative mandate Ensure customer service improvement and satisfaction Improved customer satisfaction index Two decentralized offices are operational; Port Elizabeth and Saldahna Bay. 7 pilot offices are planned to extend this project. The areas will include: Port Nolloth, Hermanus, Still Bay / Mossel Bay, East London, Umtata / Port St. John, Durban and Richards Bay. 17
18 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 5: Provide leadership and manage communication and information Aligned DAFF Communication Strategy Refine and oversee the implementation of the DAFF Communication Strategy Conceptualized, developed, produced and implemented the 2012 Budget Vote exhibition and branding. 18
19 PROGRAMME 1 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 4: Improve departmental service excellence through implementation of quality standards, Batho Pele principles and general legislative mandate Legislation aligned to the Constitution Initiate the project to review legislation and submit proposals for Ministerial approval All DAFF Acts were forwarded to the Service Provider for constitutional and legal analysis, which was completed in August 2012, and finalisation of the cluster legislation has been approved. The final number of Acts and Bills to be reviewed are
PROGRAMME 2: AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTION, HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY Purpose Manage the risks associated with animal diseases, plant pests, genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and registration of products used in agriculture; promote food safety and create an enabling environment for increased and sustainable agricultural production. The programme comprises three sub-programmes, namely Plant Production and Health; Animal Production and Health; and Inspection and Laboratory Services. Plant Production and Health: Focuses on increasing agricultural productivity with the emphasis on a sustainable plant production system, efficient use of genetic resources and manages risks associated with plant pests, diseases and GMOs. Animal Production and Health: Aims to improve livestock production through the implementation of animal production and health strategies, projects and programmes founded on sound animal disease risk management principles, an informed extension service and sustainable natural resources management. Inspection and Laboratory Services: Focuses on the provision of leadership, guidance and support in ensuring compliance with agricultural legislation and regulatory frameworks and overseeing the effective implementation of risk management strategies and plans for regulated agricultural products. 20
21 PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActual ChallengesCorrective measures SO 1: Promote efficient production, handling and processing of food, fibre and timber Number of new producers participating in animal production schemes (cumulative) farmers participated in the Milk Recording Scheme in 15 projects. 45 emergent poultry farmers were taken to the AVI Africa Conference. 200 farmers participated in the Kaonafatso ya dikgomo scheme. Number of beneficiaries benefiting from commodity strategies 200 beneficiaries benefiting from pig commodity strategy The pig commodity strategy is in the process of being completed. 20 farmers were assisted with pig production methods and related issues. 21
PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActual ChallengesCorrective measures SO 1: Promote efficient production, handling and processing of food, fibre and timber Regulatory frameworks approved by Parliament Approve Compulsory Community Service Framework The Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Amendment Bill has been approved by Parliament for tabling at the National Council of Provinces. 22
23 PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective measures SO 1: Promote efficient production, handling and processing of food, fibre and timber Number of primary animal health care awareness campaigns 4Some purchases of necessary equipment were done towards the end of the previous financial year. The modifications of clinics to prepare for the service are being considered and discussions with the financial officers have commenced. SO 2: Establish and maintain effective early- warning and mitigation systems Number of reports on early detections and reaction time to outbreaks of animal diseases and pests 66 reports were submitted to the OIE in May
24 PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective measures SO 1: Promote efficient production, handling and processing of food, fibre and timber Number of plant production support and health interventions 4Technical support was provided to provinces, farmers and extension officers participating in the following programmes: CASP Zero Hunger Natural Resources Management Provincial initiatives SO 1: Promote efficient production, handling and processing of food, fibre and timber Number of plant-related commodity strategies implemented 1 key commodity strategy implement ed Development of the National Strategy on Vegetables is progressing well. 24
PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective measures SO 1: Promote efficient production, handling and processing of food, fibre and timber Sanitary and Phyto Sanitary (SPS) Strategy developed Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Policy and Plant Protection Bill Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Policy: The draft Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Policy was approved by the Minister on 11 April 2012 and published in a Government Gazette No for public comments on 26 April The Gazetted policy was circulated to stakeholders for comment. Plant Protection Bill: The submission regarding the draft Plant Health (Phytosanitary) Bill for public comments has been initiated and completed. 25
26 PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective measures SO 2: Ensure protection of indigenous genetic resources Number of monitoring reports of genetic resources for food and agriculture 2Surveillance and characterization of farm animal genetic resources have been undertaken in Free State and North West Provinces. Characterization of plant genetic resources (maize, bambara, groundnuts and dry beans) has continued at the ARC and the National Plant Genetic Resources Centre. 26
PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective measures SO 2: Establish and maintain effective early- warning and mitigation systems Number of reports on early detections and reaction time to outbreaks of plant diseases and pests 2Surveillance data is collected on a weekly basis. 27
PROGRAMME 2 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective measures SO 1: Manage the level of risks associated with food, diseases, pests, natural disasters and trade Number of reports on regulatory compliance and monitoring interventions 4Quarterly 1 report on regulatory compliance and monitoring interventions was compiled. SO 1: Manage the level of risks associated with food, diseases, pests, natural disasters and trade Number of reports on regulatory framework instruments approved 1 Liquor Products Bill The Liquor Products Bill has been published in the Government Gazette for public comments. 28
PROGRAMME 3: FOOD SECURITY AND AGRARIAN REFORM Purpose The programme facilitates and promotes food security and agrarian reform programmes and initiatives. It comprises three sub-programmes, namely Food Security; Sector Capacity Development; and National Extension Support Services. Food Security: The sub-programme provides national frameworks to promote sustainable household food security programmes through improving the production systems of subsistence and smallholder farmers in the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector to achieve food security livelihoods and facilitate the provision of inputs, implements and infrastructure support. Sector Capacity: Facilitates the provision of agriculture, forestry and fisheries education and training in support of sustainable growth and equitable participation in the sector. This will be achieved by facilitating and supporting education and training skills, promoting the development of centres of excellence on skills training and develop, manage and coordinate the sector transformation policy and strategy in line with the government objectives for the Department. National Extension Support Services: Provides national extension policies, norms and standards on research and technology development. The sub-programme provides strategic leadership and guidance for the planning, coordination and implementation of extension and advisory services in the sector. It also provides leadership and strategic support in the implementation of norms and standards for extension. 29
30 PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 2: Coordinate government food security initiatives Green Paper gazetted Gazette Green Paper on Food Security Food Security Policy document not gazetted yet, but finished and consulted with the Clusters, awaiting tabling to IMC on Food Security. Non-sitting of the Food Security IMC to table Food Security Policy. Liase with Ministry for the sitting of the Food Security IMC to table the Policy for Food Security. 30
31 PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 2: Coordinate government food security initiatives Zero Hunger Campaign implemented Develop business case and co-ordinate implementation of Zero Hunger Campaign Principles of Zero Hunger campaign are being implemented in a Government project called Public Private Partnership (PPP) for Food Security, Nutrition and Health. Lack of alignment of our funding programmes to the PPP. To sign MOU with IDT to ensure alignment for implementation will also help to develop business case. 31
32 PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTarge t ActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 2: Coordinate government food security initiatives Number of smallholder producers supported through smallholder strategy There were and smallholders who have been identified for support through a smallholder producer strategy, respectively, for Q1 and Q2 to give the total (The smallholder producer strategy is comprised of a Government support Package i.e. Land reform support, Equitable share & Conditional grants, Extension services, input supply and infrastructure supply, etc). Lack of alignment of funding programmes to support the smallholder development with provinces The introduction Anchor Mega Projects aligned to the PICC will further enhance the mainstreaming process. 32
33 PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 2: Coordinate government food security initiatives Mechanisation policy implemented Develop comprehensive mechanisation policy and implement tractor scheme The Policy has been refocused and simplified to support Household Food Security. Tractor scheme rollout: 503 of 504 (99, 9%) of tractors delivered and out of (100%) of implements delivered. All deliveries verified and checked against specifications. Lack of database on mechanization equipment owned by the Government. 33
34 PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 4: Provide leadership and support to research, training and extension in the sector Coordinate the provision of comprehensive training and extension support Evaluate Extension Recovery Plan A service provider was appointed through public bidding to facilitate the evaluation. First phase report has been presented to stakeholders. 34
35 PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 3: Improve social working conditions in the sector Provincial vulnerable delivery units established 5 provinces (FS, WC, LP, MP, KZN) FS, WC, KZN, and Mpumalanga have confirmed existence of Delivery Units. Budgetary constraints harmstring some provinces in establishing provincial delivery units. Issue to be tabled at MINMEC. 35
36 PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 4: Provide leadership and support to research, training and extension in the sector Develop national extension policy The Terms of Reference for the development of the policy have been compiled. A proposal for the development of the policy has been presented to DAFF and the Ford Foundation. A service provider has been outsourced to start with the policy development process. No budget allocation for the development of the policy. Resource mobilisation exercise was conducted and a grant to the tune of $ has been secured from the Ford Foundation. 36
37 PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 4: Provide leadership and support for research, training and extension in the sector Producers completing training programmes Coordinate training programmes for smallholder producers beneficiaries were trained during Q1 and trained during Q2. The total number trained at mid-term is
38 PROGRAMME 3 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 4: Provide leadership and support for research, training and extension in the sector Approved Agricultural Training Institutions (ATIs) Green Paper 7 agricultural colleges transformed into ATIs ATI Business Plans have been received from all colleges and these will be consolidated. DORA funds have been disbursed to Provincial Departments. Colleges' Procurement Plans have been developed and consolidated. The National Treasury funds ( R33m) could not be transferred to Colleges as they have no credible financial management systems in place. Treasury funds are still not accessible for procurement as they were earmarked to be transferred. Submission to convert Treasury transfer funds into goods and services has been presented to National Treasury for approval. Appointment of a Service Provider to commence with the consultative process on Norms and Standards to develop a Green Paper to be tabled to Cabinet. 38
PROGRAMME 4: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT, TRADE AND MARKETING Purpose Ensure value chain integration; facilitation of market access for agriculture, forestry and fisheries products in support of economic growth, job creation and development. The programme comprises the following three sub-programmes, namely International Relations and Trade; Agro- processing and Marketing; and Cooperatives and Rural Enterprise Development. International Relations and Trade: Facilitates, coordinates and supports international relations and international trade for the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector through the development and implementation of appropriate policies and programmes. Cooperatives and Rural Enterprise Development: Facilitates and supports the implementation of programmes and initiatives to ensure the promotion and participation of the agriculture, forestry and fisheries sector in the economic development of businesses. Agro-processing and Marketing: Ensures the conversion/transformation of primary agriculture, forestry and fisheries commodities into value-added products and ensures domestic and international market access. 39
40 PROGRAMME 4 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengeCorrective Measure SO 1: Increase growth, income and sustainable job opportunities in the value chain Value chain networks established and institutionali zed Fisheries value chain network established Aquaculture value chain network has been established in Q1. Minutes and Record of Decisions of the first meeting concluded. Marketing working group of the value chain network established & its action plan developed. Sector strategies developed and implemente d Facilitate the implementati on of Marketing Strategy A draft of the reviewed strategy document has been concluded. 40
41 PROGRAMME 4 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengeCorrective Measure SO 2: Coordinate government food security initiative 30% of smallholder producers organized into commodity associations and cooperatives Facilitate implementation of the sector business policy in advancing commodity groups 18 cooperatives that are producing poultry were mobilized as poultry commodity structures. 108 cooperatives established 11 cooperatives were supported and registered during Q1.The support was with regard to training and registration. People do not realize the importance of co-operatives. Awareness campaigns to be held in the next quarter. 41
42 PROGRAMME 4 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengeCorrective Measure SO 1: Increase growth, income and sustainable job opportunities in the value chain Sector strategies developed and implemented Oversee the review and implementati on of the Trade Strategy Draft Trade Strategy ready to be tabled at DEXCO. SO 1: Establish and strengthen cooperative governance and functional relations with local and international stakeholders Cooperation agreements developed and signed Oversee the negotiation and signing of inter- Africa and international agreements Facilitated in Joint Management Committees for Kenya and Congo Brazzaville. Administrative and political problems delay progress. Limited human resource capacity of the legal services. Last minute confirmation of the joint meetings. Last minute confirmation of the invitation to the Minister of DAFF. 42
PROGRAMME 5: FORESTRY AND NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGEMENT Purpose Develop and facilitate the implementation of policies and targeted programmes to ensure management of forests, sustainable use and protection of land and water as well as managing agricultural risks and disasters. There are three sub-programmes in the Forestry Programme, namely Forestry Operations; Forestry Development and Regulations; and Natural Resources Management. Forestry Operations: Ensures sustainable management of forestry operations through managing state forests and woodlands, other state assets in the region and to render coordination and operational support. Forestry Development and Regulations: Ensures effective development of policies for forestry regulation and oversight by promoting the optimum development of arboriculture, commercial and urban forestry and the development of small-scale forestry. Natural Resources Management: Facilitates the development of infrastructure and the sustainable use of natural resources through an enabling framework for the sustainable management of woodlands and indigenous forests, the efficient development and revitalisation of irrigation schemes and water use. The sub-programme facilitates climate change mitigation and adaptation, risk and disaster management as well as promotes, regulates and coordinates the sustainable use of natural resources (land and soil). 43
44 PROGRAMME 5 Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 1: Ensure the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources Forestry adaptation plans developed and implemented Develop forestry adaptation plans 11 consultation sessions on proposed amendments were held and the technical report was completed on the proposed amendments. 44
45 PROGRAMME 5 Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 1: Ensure the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources Forestry adaptation plans developed and implemented Develop forestry adaptation plans The National Fire Danger Rating system (NFDR ) is being piloted in Western Cape and Mpumalanga alongside the Lowveld System disseminating fire danger ratings weekly to stakeholders. 45
46 PROGRAMME 5 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 2: Increase the level of public and private investment for agricultural, forestry and fisheries products Forestry protocols and strategies implemented Implement Charter undertakings Scoping reports for the Environmental Impact Assessments study in the Eastern Cape submitted to the authorizing institution: DEA Draft final report on Transport Infrastructure Requirements produced. 46
47 PROGRAMME 5 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 2: Increase the level of public and private investment for agricultural, forestry and fisheries products Forestry protocols and strategies implemented Implement Charter undertakings Terms of Reference was developed for re-advertising of the tender to develop guidelines and training for four subsectors: Growers, saw millers, honey production and pole production. 47
48 PROGRAMME 5 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 2: Increase the level of public and private investment for agricultural, forestry and fisheries products Forestry protocols and strategies implemented Implement Charter undertakings Second draft of the State Forest Plantation Growth Strategy developed based on workshop outputs and circulated for final comments 48
49 PROGRAMME 5 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 2: Increase the level of public and private investment for agricultural, forestry and fisheries products Forestry protocols and strategies implemented Implement Charter undertakings Transfer Agreement for MMM plantation is in place and awaiting approval. Cabinet Memo for the Recommissioning of Lowveld plantations approved by the Minister, awaiting presentation to the Economic Cluster. Delays by authorising institutions to approve certain processes is affecting the time of completion for the project. The Department is engaging with the authorising institutions through a forum, which meets quarterly to assess progress. 49
50 PROGRAMME 5 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 2: Coordinate government food security Number of small producers supported with training and linked to potential funders small producers supported with technical training. 50
51 PROGRAMME 5 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measure SO 2: Coordinate government food security Number of LandCare jobs created ( opportunities = 454 Full Time Equivalents) 130 Full Time Equivalents Work Opportunities created through LandCare as at end September (14 FTE’s) Report is not yet validated as Provinces are expected to submit their report on the MIS by the 30th October 2012 for Q 2. Figures will be validated after the end of October according to the reporting timeframe as per DORA, which is 30 days after each quarter for LandCare programme. 51
52 PROGRAMME 5 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measure SO 2: Coordinate government food security Number of state land jobs created (300 opportunities) 60 job opportunities 53 employees verified on FALA farms. SO 1: Ensure the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources Climate change adaptation and mitigation plans implemented Climate change adaptation and mitigation plans approved The Service Level Agreement (SLA) has been signed with amendments from the service provider. The service provider’s internal processes caused delays in facilitating the signing of the SLA and have resulted in the delay for officially implementing the project as per activity schedule. 52
53 PROGRAMME 5 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measure SO 2: Increase the level of public and private investment for agricultural, forestry and fisheries products Disaster risk mitigation strategies implemented Disaster risk management system implemented Report on seminars on weather and climate to the agricultural sector conducted in Free State Province has been presented in the NAC and NARDMCO meetings and was subsequently approved. 53
54 PROGRAMME 5 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measure SO 1: Ensure the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources Number of ha (agricultural land, woodlands and indigenous forests) rehabilitated haHectares of land rehabilitated though CARA and LandCare for Q1 and Q2 = ha. Only Gauteng, LP, KZN, WC & EC figures were received. The reporting timeframe as per DORA is 30 days after each quarter for LandCare programme. LandCare figures will be validated at the end of October
55 PROGRAMME 5 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measure SO 1: Ensure the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources ha of irrigation schemes revitalised Revitalised 250 ha of smallholder government irrigation schemes The budget to revitalize about 62 hectares at the Makhathini Irrigation Scheme has been finalized by KZN Department of Agriculture and Rural Development and work will start soon. 55
PROGRAMME 6: FISHERIES MANAGEMENT Purpose Promote the development, management, monitoring and sustainable uses of marine living resources and the development of South Africa’s fisheries sectors. Sustainable livelihoods will be achieved through aquaculture growth and fisheries economic development. The programme comprises four sub-programmes, namely Aquaculture and Economic Development; Fisheries Research and Development; Marine Resource Management; and Monitoring, Control and Surveillance. Aquaculture and Economic Development: Ensurse aquaculture growth and fisheries economic development for sustainable livelihoods by providing public support and an integrated platform for management of aquaculture. Fisheries Research and Development: Ensures the promotion of the sustainable development of fisheries resources and ecosystems by conducting and supporting appropriate research. Marine Resource Management: Ensures the sustainable utilisation and equitable and orderly access to the marine living resources through improved management and regulation. Monitoring, Control and Surveillance: Ensures the protection and promotion of the sustainable use of marine living resources by intensifying enforcement and compliance. 56
57 PROGRAMME 6 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measure SO 2: To coordinate government food security initiative Number of fish farms established/ revitalized 5Progress has been made in facilitating the development and revitalization of 5 farms (Disaneng Aquaculture Farm in Mmabatho, North West is currently being revitalized in partnership with North West Province; Phase 2 of the Hamburg Aquaculture Project in the Eastern Cape (dusky cob pilot) has been initiated; and construction of 3 fish farms in Xhariep district, in partnership with Free State Agriculture and Rural Development is nearing completion).
58 PROGRAMME 6 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallenge s Corrective Measure SO 2: To coordinate government food security initiative Number of EPWP jobs created jobs have been created through implementation of catch data monitors (3 projects), harbour maintenance (3 projects), anti-poaching (1 project) Port Nolloth Fish Processing Facilities and MCS Observers projects under the Working for Fisheries Programme (WFFP).
59 PROGRAMME 6 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO1: Increase growth, income and sustainable job opportunities in the value chain Number of fishing harbours established/ revitalized 21 harbour identified in Port Nolloth, negotiations with the Municipality and the Province underway.
60 PROGRAMME 6 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 1: Ensure the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources Feasibility reports on new fisheries Investigation of feasibility of two potential new fisheries Data has been collected from the following fisheries sectors: Octopus Whelks Live bait Red bait KZN redeye
61 PROGRAMME 6 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallenge s Corrective Measure SO 1: Ensure the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources Aquaculture research and capacity development programme implemented Finalised MoUs with two universities The DG has approved for the Department of enter into MoUs with University of Limpopo and University of Free State. DG has signed both MoUs and thus far only University of Limpopo has signed. The Department is still awaiting response from the University of Free State.
62 PROGRAMME 6 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 1: To ensure the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources Extent of the recovery in terms of spawning biomass of abalone, hake, west coast rock lobster and linefish from current levels Implementation of recovery of strategy and management recommendatio ns towards targets set for abalone, hake, west coast rock lobster and linefish Targets as per TAC/TAE recommendation s for the current season have been set. Targets as per TAC & TAE recommendation s for the new season have been scheduled for finalisation in the 3rd quarter.
63 PROGRAMME 6 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 1: To ensure the sustainable management and efficient use of natural resources Commercial fishing rights allocated in 17 fishing sectors Revised General Fishing Policy and 8 sector specific policies and establish rights allocation process Bid closed in September. Service provider to be appointed. Lack of internal capacity. Lengthy and cumbersome administrative processes. Limited marine resources.
64 PROGRAMME 6 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective measures SO 2: To coordinate government food security initiative Implement and review Integrated Fisheries Security Strategy (IFSS) through inspection of fishing vessels at sea, landings and random review of rights holders in the 5 key fisheries sectors Inspection of 600 vessels at sea. A total of 593 vessels were inspected at sea. Inspection of 800 vessels at landings. In total 938 (cumulative) fishing vessels inspected at landing sites. Vessels were inspected more than once. Some fisheries were inactive during closed periods. Include squid inspections.
65 PROGRAMME 6 CONT… Strategic Objective IndicatorTargetActualChallengesCorrective Measures SO 2: To coordinate government food security initiative Implement and review Integrated Fisheries Security Strategy (IFSS) through inspection of fishing vessels at sea, landings and random review of rights holders in the 5 key fisheries sectors Review of permit and rights holders compliance with policies and prescripts: 276 of right holders. A total of 74 permit and rights holders were reviewed for compliance with policies and prescripts.
EXPENDITURE QUARTER 1: PER PROGRAMME 66 PROGRAMMES BUDGET APRIL MAY JUNEQUARTER 1 % R’000 R’000 R’000R’000R’000 SPENT Administration % Agricultural Production, Health and Food Safety % Food Security and Agrarian Reform % Trade Promotion and Market Access % Forestry % Fisheries ,8% TOTAL %
EXPENDITURE QUARTER 1: PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION 67 ECONOMIC BUDGET APRILMAYJUNE QUARTER 1 % CLASSIFICATIONR’000R’000R’000R’000R’000 SPENT Compensation of employees % Goods and services % Interest and rent on land % Total transfers and subsidies % Payments for capital assets % TOTAL %
Reasons for over/underspending against 25% target Programme 1 Payments in respect of ICT equipment and claims in respect of property management from D:PWD were made. Programme 2 Double payment to Agricultural Research Council and quarter 1 payments for conditional grants to provinces for Ilima/Letsema were made at 20% of the appropriated amount. Programme 3 Payments to provinces in respect of CASP conditional grants were made at 20% of the appropriated amount. Programme 4 Once off payment to Land and Agricultural Bank of South Africa and National Agricultural Marketing Council. 68
Reasons for over/underspending against 25% target Programme 5 Payments to provinces in respect of LandCare conditional grants will be made on receipt of compliance certificate of the National Transferring Officer. Programme 6 Payments to Marine Living Resources Fund in respect of Expanded Public Works Programme: fisheries projects will be made on receipt of compliance certificate. 69
EXPENDITURE QUARTER 2: PER PROGRAMME 70 PROGRAMMES BUDGET JULY AUG SEPTQUARTER 2 % R’000 R’000 R’000R’000R’000 SPENT Administration % Agricultural Production, Health and Food Safety % Food Security and Agrarian Reform % Trade Promotion and Market Access % Forestry % Fisheries % TOTAL %
EXPENDITURE QUARTER 2: PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION 71 ECONOMIC BUDGET JULY AUGSEPT QUARTER 2 % CLASSIFICATIONR’000R’000R’000R’000R’000 SPENT Compensation of employees % Goods and services % Interest and rent on land % Total transfers and subsidies % Payments for capital assets % Payments for financial Assets TOTAL %
Reasons for over/underspending against 25% target Programme 1 Claims in respect of property management from D:PWD are awaited. Programme 2 Double payment to Agricultural Research Council and payments for conditional grants to provinces for Ilima/Letsema were made. Programme 3 Payments to provinces in respect of CASP conditional grants were made. Programme 4 Claims in respect of foreign offices from D:IRCO are awaited. Programme 5 Payments to provinces in respect of CASP and LandCare conditional grants were made. Programme 6 Payments to Marine Living Resources Fund in respect of Expanded Public Works Programme: fisheries projects were made. 72
73 EXPENDITURE QUARTERS 1 AND 2: PER PROGRAMME PROGRAMMES BUDGET Q 1 % Q 2 % Q1+Q2 % R’000 R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT Administration % % % Agricultural Production, Health And Food Safety % % % Food Security and Agrarian Reform % % % Trade Promotion and Market Access % % % Forestry ,4% ,8% ,2% Fisheries % % % TOTAL % % %
EXPENDITURE QUARTERS 1 AND 2: PER ECONOMIC CLASSIFICATION 74 PROGRAMMES BUDGET Q 1 % Q 2 % Q1+Q2 % R’000 R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT R’000 SPENT Compensation of employees % % % Goods and services % % % Interest and rent on land % % % Total transfers and Subsidies % % % Payments for Capital assets % % % Payments for financial assets TOTAL % % %
75 CONCLUSION Strengthen interdepartmental cooperation and collaboration for the development of the production infrastructure and other support policies and programmes. Enhance cooperation with the provinces and local government to enhance governance in the sector. Accelerate collaboration with stakeholders through existing forums. Collaboration in the utilization of key policy instruments to enhance the performance of the sector.