Careers Vision Care Information Provided By: Georgia Statewide Area Health Education Center (AHEC) PowerPoint Presentation By: Juliane Monko & Dr. Frank Flanders CTAE Resource Network, June 2009 Based On PowerPoint Ideas From: Penny Howard, RN, Healthcare Science Instructor
AHECAHEC There are six centers in the Georgia AHEC Network, and each serves a multi-county region. The AHEC mission is to meet the health needs of Georgia by improving the supply, distribution and quality of healthcare providers. AHECs offer enrichment programs, camps, learning tools, student counseling, volunteer and mentoring activity coordination, and access to other educational resources. Contact your regional AHEC for more information.
Objectives Students will be able to describe health careers in the field of Vision Care. Students will be able to plan a healthcare career path in Vision Care.
Careers in Vision Care Optician Optometrist
Opticians fill prescriptions of optometrists and ophthalmologists. They do not examine eyes or prescribe lenses, but they help patients select eyeglasses according to their lifestyle, occupation and facial features.
Optician They prepare the order according to the prescription, curvature placement, style, color, materials and size for the lenses. Office management, sales, and repairs are also part of their daily routine.
Work Environment Salary Department stores Manufacturers Offices of ophthalmologists and optometrists Retail chain stores Self-employed Wholesale labs Average Starting Salary $33,280 Figures according to 2006 data. To see updated figures, visit the SOWEGA-AHEC website at: Optician
Optician Academic Requirements A high school diploma or equivalent is required. Requirements vary by employer, but on-the-job training includes two years of experience under a licensed optician, optometrist or ophthalmologist. Some colleges offer two-year diploma and associate degree programs.
Providing primary eye and vision care, optometrists diagnose and treat vision problems by conducting comprehensive examinations of the internal and external structure of the eyes. They often improve eyesight by prescribing contacts, glasses, medications, vision therapy, or low-vision rehabilitation.
Work Environment Salary Education Federal service Health maintenance organizations Hospital-based clinics Private practice Indian Health Service Military Public health Research Retail eye care centers Average Starting Salary $80,000 Figures according to 2006 data. To see updated figures, visit the SOWEGA-AHEC website at: Optometrist
Optometrist Academic Requirements The minimum requirement for application to a school of optometry is three years or 90 hours of pre- optometric study, however most schools highly recommend a bachelor's degree or four or more years of pre-optometric study. Schools vary in entry requirements, but all students must pass the Optometry Admission Test prior to entering a school of optometry.
Optometrist Academic Requirements A four-year professional degree program leads to a Doctor of Optometry (O.D.). A recommended residency or post-doctoral training lasts one year.
Summary There is a variety of careers available in Vision Care. Educational requirements vary by career and career level. Students interested in these careers should use the information provided here as a basis for a career plan. The student should also research the career further to complete a career plan. Career available in Vision Care include: Optician Optometrist