Thursday 14 th October Save this file! Make sure it goes in your LEO folder. Make a new folder in your LEO folder – call it Toocool. Online conference Password = toocool Time for Toocool!
Today’s plan 1.Come into the conference – say hello – answer today’s question. 2.Get your book – Skateboard Ripper. Listen to (and follow in the book) chapter one. Click on this link to listen to it – a new window should open with media player. Let me know if it doesn’t work and we’ll try to sort it out. 3.Go to Art Rage 2.1 and draw a picture of one of the characters from the book.
Some more things… 4. Start your e-book of Skateboard Ripper. You need 3 pages. a. Title page (title – Toocool Skateboard Ripper; pictures) b. Contents (put heading contents and leave the rest blank for now) c. Chapter One (heading – chapter one; one or two sentences of what happened in chapter one; and your picture of a character from the book drawn in Art Rage)
Before you leave today - Save your e-book, close it and it to me please.