By Leo Massey and Chris Pak
Henri Becquerel Did most of his work within France Born December 15, 1852 in Paris, France- Died in Brittany, France on August 25, 1908 Discovered radioactivity in 1896 with Henri Poincaré in x-rays by accident in his laboratory
Pierre Curie Born May, in Paris, France-Died April 19, 1906 in accident in Paris Worked with brother, Jacques; found magnetic props. of sub. alter with diff. temps. (Curie point) Isolated elements, radium and polonium with wife, Marie, who named polonium after her home Poland
Marie Curie (Marie Slodowska) Born November 7, 1867 Warsaw, Poland-Died July 4, 1934 Found radioactive material; named it radium, found in mineral named pitchblende Worked with husband, Pierre on finding new radioactive element polonium in 1898
Henri Becquerel and Radioactivity Put potassium uranyl sulfate into sun, placed it on photographic plates wrapped in black paper, believed that it would absorb the sun energy and send rays Hypothesis disproved, but Becquerel developed his photographic plates anyway Images were strong & clear; showed that uranium emitted radiation without energy source like the sun and discovered radiation
Radioactivity Discovery Significant Because… Contributions were significant to chemistry’s subfield, radioactivity because without foundation, never would have expanded the field Never would have allowed the Curie’s to coin the phrase, “radioactivity” or for them make huge advancements in the radioactivity field Ex. Them discovering radium and polonium
Becquerel and the Atomic Theory Placed double sulfate of uranium and potassium on photographic plates and laid them in sun to absorb energy Overcast, so no sunshine but took plates out of place and found that the images were clear, concluded that uranium cause radiation This radiation made by chemicals spontaneously decomposing and giving off very penetrating rays, showed atoms could be split even further
Marie and Pierre Curie Finding Radium and Polonium Were working with bismuth fractions and found that once more bismuth taken away, stronger residue left June 1898 strong element from pitchblende was metal named polonium December 26, 1898 found new element similar to pure barium, named it radium
Radium and Polonium Significant Because. Element Radium used to cure certain diseases and cancer; still used to this day Radium used in x-ray technology Polonium used today as a heat source in space vehicles and as a alpha radiation
Curies and the Atomic Theory Used Becquerel’s discovery, studied uranium and found that left overs of uranium ore is more radiant than itself Then found that ore had elements of polonium and radium Study of radioactivity helped develop atomic theory by showing that elements and atoms could be isolated and split apart
Sources Biographies/Curie-Marie.html Biographies/Curie-Marie.html Textbook- Chemistry Matter and Change page 806