Human Blood Types Human blood types are controlled by MULTIPLE ALLELES, there are three alleles of the same GENE that code for blood typing.
How is our blood type determined? Your blood type is established before you are BORN, by specific GENES inherited from your parents. You receive one gene (allele) from your MOTHER and one from your FATHER. These two genes (alleles) determine your blood type by causing proteins called AGGLUTINOGENS to exist on the surface of all of your red blood cells.
The three alleles that code for human blood types are A, B, and o. Genotypes A A A O B B B O A B O O Phenotypes A blood A blood -heterozygous B blood B blood -heterozygous AB blood O blood
What are blood types? Since we have 2 genes, there are 6 possible combinations. Blood Types AA or AO = Type A BB or BO = Type B OO = Type O AB = Type AB 45% 40% 11% 4% How common are the 4 blood types?
U.S. Blood Type Distribution According to the American Association of Blood Banking, these are the percentages of different blood types in the U.S. population: A+ 34 percent A- 6 percent B+ 9 percent B- 2 percent AB+ 3 percent AB- 1 percent O+ 38 percent O- 7 percent
What makes up our blood? Blood- mixture of cells, enzymes, proteins & organic substances RED BLOOD CELLS (erythrocytes) – The most abundant cells in our blood; made in the bone marrow and contain a protein called hemoglobin that carries oxygen to our cells. They have no nucleus and no DNA within them. WHITE BLOOD CELLS (leukocytes) –Part of the immune system, destroy infectious agents called pathogens. PLASMA – Yellowish liquid portion of blood that contains electrolytes, nutrients and vitamins, hormones, clotting factors, and antibodies to fight infection. PLATELETS (thrombocytes) –Carried in the plasma; they clot together to seal a wound and prevent a loss of blood.
Blood Facts The average adult has about FIVE liters of blood inside of their body, which makes up 7-8% of their body weight. This red liquid is living tissue that carries oxygen and nutrients to all parts of the body, and carries carbon dioxide and other waste products back to the lungs, kidneys and liver for disposal. It fights against infection and helps heal wounds, so we can stay healthy. There are about one billion red blood cells in two to three drops of blood. For every 600 red blood cells, there are about 40 platelets and one white cell.
Rh Factors D-protein A+ A- B+ B- AB+ AB- O+ O- Scientists study Rhesus monkeys to learn more about the human anatomy because there are certain similarities between the two species. A certain blood protein was discovered. This protein is also present in the blood of some people. Other people, however, do not have the protein. The presence of the protein, or lack of it, is referred to as the Rh (for Rhesus) factor. If your blood does contain the protein, your blood is said to be Rh positive (Rh+). If your blood does not contain the protein, your blood is said to be Rh negative (Rh-). A+ A- B+ B- AB+ AB- O+ O-
The alleles A, and B are co-dominant, and both are dominant to o. Blood type is determined by the presence of specific kinds of proteins found on the red blood cells.
Proteins on Blood Cells
Important Concepts to Remember!!! The name of the blood type tells you the type of antigen found on the red blood cell. For example: Type A has ______ Proteins Type B has ______ proteins Type O has ______ proteins Positive blood has _____ proteins A B no Rh
If the wrong types of blood are mixed, cells CLUMP If the wrong types of blood are mixed, cells CLUMP together and can cause a serious reaction or DEATH. The presence of A or B proteins on red blood cells determines the type of blood a person can receive in a TRANSFUSION.
Universal Recipient - AB Type O blood contains NO proteins. People with type O blood can receive blood only from donors with type O blood, or a REACTION can occur. Universal Donor - O Universal Recipient - AB
Who Can You Donate To?
Use the results shown to determine the blood type for each sample. Blood Typing Use the results shown to determine the blood type for each sample. - = No Clumps + = Clump To determine a person’s blood type, we add three different serums to blood samples and see if clumps form. Clumps = Positive (+) No Clumps = Negative (-) What would the blood type be for this sample? A B Rh Blood Type: ___
Blood Typing Game
How can blood be used as evidence? Blood samples – Can be analyzed to determine BLOOD TYPE and DNA, which can be matched to possible suspects. Blood droplets – Can be analyzed to give clues to the location of a WOUND, movement of a VICTIM, and type of INJURY. Blood spatter – Can be analyzed to determine PATTERNS that give investigators clues to how a crime might have happened.
Who’s Your Daddy? Call Jerry Springer!!!!! We have another mix-up with baby daddy news. Can you identify the correct father of this bundle of joy. The child is A- and Mom is O-. With the following contestants who will be the one with baby mama drama? Mr. Smith Mr. Green Mr. Jones Mr. Brown
Follow your teacher’s directions to complete the lab. The Death of One-Eyed Bart A trail of blood lead a deck hand to a large puddle of blood and a sword behind some wooden barrels on the poop deck. As he continued his search for the blood source he found the body of “One-Eyed” Bart cold and staring back at him with his one good eye. Bart had a sword wound in his upper chest. “Guaaaaarrrr!!!! Who’da done this to the beloved Bart?” “They be walking the plank when they found!!!” The doctor on board the Jolly Roger tested the blood from the deck and sword and now needs to identify if it is from “One-Eyed” Bart or from the scoundrel who may have murdered him. There are three suspects who have been waiting to overthrow Bart and take command of the Jolly Roger. Follow your teacher’s directions to complete the lab. Remember to be careful to prevent cross-contamination of the blood samples! Image: http://www.fbi.gv/publications/leb/2005/apr2005/apr2005leb_img_3.jpg
Reactions w/ Anti-A Serum Reactions w/ Anti-B Serum Blood Typing Test Reactions w/ Anti-A Serum Reactions w/ Anti-B Serum Blood Type Agglutination (+) No Agglutination (-) A B AB O We will be determining blood types using Anti-A serums, Anti-B serums, and Anti-RH serums. Use the chart to help you determine the blood type of each sample and its Rh factor (+ or -). Agglutinins = Antibodies Rh Serum - Clumping = Rh+ blood Directions: Step 1: Lay out a typing tray and three toothpicks from your kit on a paper towel. Step 2: Place 2 drops of the blood sample in each well on the typing tray. Step 3: Place 2 drops of the anti-A serum on the blood in the A well. Step 4: Place 2 drops of the anti-B serum on the blood in the B well. Step 5: Place 2 drops of the anti-Rh serum on the blood in the Rh well. Step 6: Use three clean toothpicks to stir the serum into each sample for 30 seconds.
Agglutination = Clumping Step 7: Record your observations in the correct section on the back of your worksheet and use the reaction chart on the front page to determine the blood type. Step 8: Complete the other sections using information from your classmates. No clumping Clumping Agglutination = Clumping What is this person’s blood type? Answer: B+
Scurvy Sam Blood Type: ___ Black Beard Bill Blood Type: ___ Use + or – to show the test results for each sample and then determine the blood type. A B Rh Suspect #1 Scurvy Sam Blood Type: ___ Suspect #2 Black Beard Bill Blood Type: ___ Suspect #3 Peg Leg Pete Blood Type: ___ What do your results show? What would you do next in the investigation? Conclusion - = No clumping + = Clumping Results A B Rh Victim “One-Eyed” Bart Blood Type: ___ Crime Scene Sample Weapon Sample
- = absent + = present Blood Typing Practice Rh Blood Type: ___ A B Rh Blood Type: ___ Blood Typing Practice Use the results shown to determine the blood type for each sample. A B Rh Blood Type: ___ A B Rh Blood Type: ___ A B Rh Blood Type: ___ - = absent + = present
A capital letter represents a dominant allele. (ex. a tall plant would have an allele of T) A lowercase letter represents a recessive allele. (ex. short plant's allele is t)
alleles gene Chromosomes
Unit Ten GREGOR MENDEL is considered the “father of genetics.” In 1843, at the age of 21, he became a monk in AUSTRIA. He was put in charge of tending the garden
STATISTICS which helped him later in his experiments. In 1851, he was sent to the University of Vienna and studied science and math. He was also trained in the new field of STATISTICS which helped him later in his experiments. Mendel and his ”H0MiEz"
What Mendel was observing was the phenomenon of INHERITANCE **INHERITANCE = PASSING OF TRAITS BY HEREDITY HEREDITY is the transmission of traits from parents to their offspring. Mendel decided to see if he could find a predictable pattern to inheritance. He studied pea plants which he grew in the monastery.
Dominant Recessive
P1 generation (parental generation) 2 pure strains F1 generation (1st filial generation) Self pollinated F2 generation (2nd filial generation)
The factor that is expressed is called DOMINANT. The Principle of Dominance and Recessiveness One factor, or gene, in a pair masks the other factor, or gene, preventing it from expressing itself. The factor that is expressed is called DOMINANT. The factor that is masked is called RECESSIVE.
The Principle of Segregation The two factors (alleles) separate when forming egg or sperm (sex cells). Only one alleles goes into the sex cell. This is why we can see traits appear and then “disappear” in later generations.
The different genes or traits are not connected to one another. The Principle of Independent Assortment The different genes or traits are not connected to one another. Example: Just because you inherit the brown hair trait does not mean you have to inherit blue eye trait. They are not connected.
Genetic Crosses Genotype Phenotype The appearance of an organism is its PHENOTYPE The genetic makeup of an organism is its GENOTYPE
Example: A plant has the genotype Tt. It has one dominant allele. It has one recessive allele. However, the phenotype will be tall. The dominant alleles masks the recessive allele.
Genotype Phenotype TT Tt tt Tall Tall Short
If both alleles are dominant (TT), the organism is homozygous dominant. If both alleles are recessive (tt), the organism is homozygous recessive.
If one of the alleles of a pair is dominant (T), and one of the alleles is recessive (t), then the organism is said to be HETEROZYGOUS (different alleles Tt) for that characteristic. A heterozygous individual ALWAYS exhibits the DOMINANT trait!!
Practice Problems B = black T = tall R = rough b= brown t = short r = smooth A plant has the genotype TT, what is its phenotype? Tall Give All the possible genotypes for tall: TT, Tt Give ALL possible genotypes for brown: bb
Monohybrid Crosses A monohybrid cross is a cross between individuals that involves only one pair of contrasting traits.
2. Cross a plant that is homozygous dominant for the trait of height (TT), with a plant that is heterozygous for that trait (Tt). T T cross: TT X Tt T TT TT Tt Tt t 50 % TT, 50% Tt genotypes: 100% tall phenotypes:
3. Cross a plant that is heterozygous for the trait of height (Tt), with a plant that is heterozygous for that trait (Tt). T t cross: Tt X Tt T TT Tt t Tt tt 50% Tt, 25%tt, 25%TT genotype: phenotype: 75% tall, 25% short
A black cat is crossed with a white cat. All the kittens end up with black and white spots. Neither black or white is recessive. Both black and white is dominant and therefore, both traits show up when the organisms is heterozygous.
CROSS A white cat with a black and white cat. LIST THE OFFSPRING WW x BW B BW BW WW WW W 50% BW, 50% WW genotypes: 50% black and white, 50% white phenotypes:
IB io x IA io IB io IA IA IB IA io io IB io io io Determine the offspring's blood types from a cross between a person who is type B het. and a person who is type A het. IB io x IA io IB io 25% AB 25% A - Het. 25% B - Het. 25% O IA IA IB IA io io IB io io io
IA IB x IA io IA io IA IA IA IA io IB IA IB IB io Determine the offsping's blood types from a cross between a person who is type AB and a person who is type A Het. IA IB x IA io IA io 25% A 25% A - Het. 25% AB 25% B - Het. IA IA IA IA io IB IA IB IB io