词汇 短语 句型 练习
Translation 短语填空 单词拼写 短语填空 巩固练习
due adj. 1. because of The accident was due to careless driving. He arrived late due to the storm. 2.to be paid 当付的, 应付给的 When is the rent due? The wage due to him will be paid tomorrow. 3.expected 预期的 What time is the next bus due? The next meeting is due to be held in three months' time. Their first baby is due in July. 词汇
注: due to 在意义上是和 because of 及 owing to 相同的。但是 because of 只能作 状语,而 due to 和 owing to 既可作原因状 语,也可作表语。注意 due to 短语不要放 在句首。
risk sth\doing sth.. 冒着 …… 的危险 run\take a risk\risks 冒险 run/take the risk of doing sth. 冒险 ( 做某事 ) at risk 处境危险,遭受危险 at the risk of … 冒 …… 的危险 / 风险 at one’s own risk 由自己负责
Eg. 1. She risked losing the job, when she criticized her boss. 2. He risked life to get the cat down from the tree. 3. She criticized her boss at the risk of losing the job. 4. She will run the risk of losing the job. 5. Are you at risk? 6. Adolescents often take more risks than adults. 7. You can swim here at your own risk.
take a chance (on sth) take chances This road may not be the one we want- but that’s a chance we’re going to have to take. You should never take chances when driving a car.
1. due to 2. be addicted to 3. be accustomed to doing sth 4. have a good effect on\upon… 5. do damage to… 6. take… off(sth) 7. quit smoking 1. 因为 2. 沉迷于 3. 习惯于 4. 对 … 有影响 5. 对 … 有损坏 6. 使某人调离 … 7. 戒烟 短语
8. decide on 9. throw away 10. feel like doing 11. reach for… 12. feel stressed 13. feel ashamed of 14. in spite of 15. take a risk\risks 16. get into the habit 17. in the first place 8. 对 … 作出选择 9. 扔掉 10. 喜欢 ( 做 ) 伸手去够 … 12. 感到紧张 13. 对 … 感到羞耻 14. 尽管 冒险 16. 陷入, 染上 ( 坏习惯 ) 17. 首先
1. 破坏免疫系统 2. 感染病毒 3. 找到治愈 … 的办法 4. 保持安全 5. 与 … 共用 … 6. 把 … 注射入 … 7. 有感染病毒的危险 weaken the immune system become infected with the virus find the cure for … stay safe share …with… inject …into… risk getting the virus
Remain leave ① He ________ silent all the time when talked to. ② In spite of their quarrel, they _________ the best of friends. ③ The doctor ordered him to _________ in bed for a few days. ④ She left with the _________ 20cents. ⑤ Only a few hundred of these animals ______ today. ⑥ There is nothing _______ in the fridge. ⑦ A great many things remain _________(do). ⑧ The accident ______ a scar on her leg. to be done remained remain remaining remain left remained left 词汇辨析
P18. I think my long and active life must be due to the healthy life (that) I live. She said (that) my breath and clothes smelt and that the ends of my fingers were turning yellow. I do hope so because I want you to live as long and healthy a life as I have ( lived ). P19 Every time you feel like smoking a cigarette, remind yourself that you’re a non-smoker. P22 A person can get HIV the first time they have sex.