Fermilab Perspective: Where are We Going with Project-X, and How Can it Benefit Nuclear Energy? Stuart Henderson PASI Meeting April 5, 2013.


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Presentation transcript:

Fermilab Perspective: Where are We Going with Project-X, and How Can it Benefit Nuclear Energy? Stuart Henderson PASI Meeting April 5, 2013

Your Name, Fermilab - DOE Proton Accel. based Physics Review June 8-12, 20092

Present Accelerator Complex Your Name, Fermilab - DOE Proton Accel. based Physics Review June 8-12, 20093

4 Proton Linac: 400 MeV, ~2 kW Booster Synchrotron 8 GeV, 474m, ~35kW Recycler Ring 8 GeV permanent magnet 3.3 km Main Injector Synchrotron 120 GeV, 3.3 km, ~350 kW Neutrino Beamlines 8 and 120 GeV target/horn systems and beanlines

5Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, 2013

Strategy for Evolution of the Complex: Near Term We need to get the most out of the existing accelerator complex to satisfy the near-term Particle Physics program throughout this decade Science drivers:  Long-baseline neutrino experiments  A muon program focused on precision/rare processes To meet the needs, we will  Double the beam power capability of the Booster  Double the beam power capability of the Main Injector  Build-out the muon campus infrastructure and capability based on the 8 GeV proton source Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, 20136

7 Proton Improvement Plan ( ): Double beam power of the proton source by increasing rep-rate Accelerator Upgrades for NuMI ( ): Double beam power from Main Injector by stacking beam in the Recycler and decreasing MI cycle time Muon Campus ( ): Convert antiproton source to meet needs of the muon program

The Beam Power Landscape 8S. Henderson, AAC 2012, June 11, 2012 Near-term Upgrades

Strategy for Evolution of the Complex: Long-Term However, we recognize that even these improvements will not meet the long-term needs of the Intensity Frontier community Science Drivers:  Long-baseline neutrino experiments to unravel neutrino sector, CP-violation, etc., require Multi-MW beams  Rare and precision measurements of muons, kaons, neutrons to probe mass-scales beyond LHC require MW- class beams We intend to build a modern, flexible, Multi-MW proton accelerator that supports the ambitions of the Intensity Frontier community: Project-X Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, 20139

Project-X will… Be the leading high power proton accelerator facility in the world Provide unique capability to deliver multi-MW beams to multiple experiments simultaneously, with variable bunch formats, across a broad range in energy: GeV 10 Enable a world- leading program in Intensity-Frontier particle physics Enable very powerful programs with broader impact beyond HEP Be carried out as a collaboration between 15 institutions in the US and India Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, 2013

as;lkjfda;lskdjf;salkjfd GeV 3 3 GeV GeV GeV Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, 2013

The Beam Power Landscape 12S. Henderson, AAC 2012, June 11, 2012 Project-X

Project X Staging Strategy Formulated Staging Strategy which describes a three-stage approach: Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, Staging principles  Significant physics opportunities at each stage  Cost of each stage substantially < 1B$  Utilize existing infrastructure to the extent possible at each stage  Achieve full Reference Design capabilities at end of final stage

Project X as a National Resource with Application Beyond HEP

Project-X Beyond HEP We recognize that a multi-MW high energy proton accelerator is a national resource, with potential application that goes beyond particle physics Such facilities are sufficiently expensive that the U.S. will not invest in multiple facilities with duplicative capabilities We are engaging the potential user communities for utilization of high power proton beams beyond HEP Project X can meet critical needs beyond HEP Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, 2013

Applications of High Power Proton Accelerators Energy & Environment Materials Irradiation Accelerator Driven Systems Medicine Isotope production National Security Proton Radiography Materials Science Neutron Sources Muon Sources Particle Physics Proton Drivers for HEP Nuclear Physics High-power ISOL Neutron, nuclear EDMs Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, 2013

What is the Role of Accelerators in Nuclear Energy? A evolving landscape: R&D Priorities for Nuclear Energy have been articulated in the Roadmap Growing recognition and understanding of the broader impacts of accelerator technology Tremendous advance in accelerator capabilities brought about through several key technology developments in the last years Strategic direction of US High Energy Physics aligns HEP technology with some of the critical needs in Nuclear Energy 17 Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, 2013

National Needs in Nuclear Energy R&D: Objectives 1. Develop technologies and other solutions that can improve the reliability, sustain the safety, and extend the life of current reactors, 2. Develop improvements in the affordability of new reactors to enable nuclear energy to help meet the Administration’s energy security and climate change goals, 3. Develop sustainable nuclear fuel cycles, 4. Understanding and minimization of risks of nuclear proliferation and terrorism. 18 Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, 2013

National Needs in Advanced Energy Systems are Articulated in Recent Reports “The fundamental challenge is to understand and control chemical and physical phenomena…from femto-seconds to millennia, at temperatures to 1000 C, and for radiation doses to hundreds of displacements per atom. This is a scientific challenge of enormous proportions, with broad implications in the materials science and chemistry of complex systems” Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, Thrust: Develop the material science and technology needed to harness fusion power: “Establish a fusion-relevant neutron source to enable accelerated evaluations of the effects of radiation-induced damage to materials”

Project X is Ideal for Supporting a Materials Irradiation Mission Execution of the DOE Nuclear Energy roadmap requires access to a variety of irradiation testing environments that could potentially be addressed by the Project X Energy Station:  Variety of neutron spectra from fast to thermal  Variety of coolants such as water, sodium, lead-bismuth,  Variety of fuels such as oxides, metals, molten salts,  Variety of structural materials such as zirconium alloys, composite materials, steels …carried out in reactor-like conditions due to the continuous wave nature of the beams Preliminary investigations indicate that large volumes can be created that rival or surpass the limited test volumes available in existing high power test reactors. 20 Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, 2013

21 M. Regalbuto, DOE/NE

Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, M. Regalbuto, DOE/NE

Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5,

Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5,

Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5,

Role of Project X in Nuclear Energy The Project X CW Linac is ideally suited to power a facility with focus on:  Materials Irradiation  Demonstration of transmutation technologies and support for fuel studies  Target system and subcritical assembly technology development and demonstration A properly designed high power target station can serve the nuclear energy user community It is important to understand the needs of the community Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5,

Conclusion Project-X provides a real opportunity to serve critical needs in support of Nuclear Energy R&D The high-power, high-duty factor beams, coupled with a purpose-built experimental station has tremendous potential We are excited to explore these concepts further and to better understand the needs of the community 27 Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, 2013


Reference Design Performance Goals Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, CW Linac Particle TypeH- Beam Energy3.0 GeV Average Current2 mA/1mA (1 GeV/3GeV) Beam Power to 1 GeV Program1 MW Beam Power to 3 GeV Program2.87 MW Pulsed Linac Beam Energy8.0 GeV Pulse Rate and Width10 Hz, 4.3 msec Cycles to Main Injector/Recycler6 Particles per Cycle to MI/Recycler 2.7  Linac output beam power340 kW Beam Power to 8 GeV Program170 kW Main Injector/Recycler Beam Energy120 GeV (max) Cycle Time1.2 sec Particles per Cycle 1.5  Beam Power to 120 GeV Program2.4 MW simultaneous

Collaboration Organized as a “national project with international participation”  Fermilab as lead laboratory  International participation via in-kind contributions, established through bi-lateral MOUs. Collaboration MOUs for the RD&D phase outline basic goals, and the means of organizing and executing the work. Signatories: ANLILC/ART RRCAT/Indore BARC/Mumbai IUAC/Delhi SLAC BNLLBNL TJNAF CornellORNL/SNS VECC/Kolkata FermilabMSU India Institutes-Fermilab Collaboration Meeting: October 2010  Week of October 23: Visits to IUAC, RRCAT, BARC, VECC India Workshop on Intensity Frontier Physics: January 2011 Mumbai IHEP-Fermilab Workshop on Proton Accelerators February 2011 Beijing Project X Collaboration Meeting April at SNS, Oak Ridge 30Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5, 2013

Project-X Scientific Mission Long Baseline Neutrino Experiments 2 MW at GeV Kaon, Muon, Nuclei & Neutron precision experiments 3MW at 3 GeV Platform for evolution to a Neutrino Factory and Muon Collider Future upgrade to 4MW Broader Impacts: Materials Science, Nuclear Technology 1 MW at 1 GeV Stuart Henderson, PASI, April 5,