About TDA A ‘Development’ School First of its kind in the country Serves only for the development sector
Vision “Centre of Excellence in Development Management Education and Research for Facilitating Grassroots Development Innovation and Action at a large-scale”
Purpose Prepare professionals for development action particularly for grassroots action Become a resource centre - an international repute Enable world of practice by advancing and professionalizing development action
Guiding Principles and Values Practitioners to teach Experiential learning Theory – practice (NGOs – extensive field lab for the students and participants of short duration education programmes) Knowledge building through a structured action – reflection – action process Core values - enabling, equity, excellence, creativity and discipline to guide our action
Programme in Development Management Nurturing and Grooming Young Professionals Flagship of the Academy It is a two-year post graduate diploma in development management
Development Management Programmes Professionalizing NGO Sector: Build conceptual understanding about development and management among the practitioners For Middle Managers Two-week Development Management Appreciation Programme Social Development Research Capacity Building Programme
Development Management Programmes (Cont’d.) For CEOs and Leaders Three-day Programme on Leadership Education for Advancing Development (LEAD): Future Search for Institution Building Human Resource Development
Other Short Duration Programmes Advanced Reflective education and Training course on microfinance, micro insurance and Business development web designing and team building Participatory Rural Appraisal Methods Participatory Evaluation Methods Customised programmes Development Management Programmes (Cont’d.)
Enable the practitioner in improving their knowledge and skill to advance development especially of poor through dissemination of context and issue specific research findings, and providing research related development management programmes. Facilitate programme focused development research. Facilitate in consistent improvement of the PDM courses and the content of the DMPs. ‘Faculty Development’ by widening the perspectives, skills and knowledge of the individual faculty so as to enhance their teaching. Research and Consultancy
Research and Consultancy (Cont’d.) Tamil Nadu State Planning Commission – DHDR and Impact studies Union Planning Commission - PSES NGOs – Impact studies Banks – Impact studies
Development Exposure to students’ communities Development Immersion Programme – TSM Courses in other colleges – Micro Insurance and Microfinance Internships – National and International students Customised programmes for international students (Japan)
Centres - ASKMI Advanced centre for Skill and Knowledge on Mutual Insurance (ASKMI) Mission Promote and advance insurance for the poor in Asia Goals Facilitate building, sharing, and disseminating of knowledge on micro insurance among practitioners & other stakeholders Shape and guide promotion of insurance for the poor through research, capacity building, networking & policy advocacy Collaborate with different stakeholders to advance the knowledge and field practices
Mainstreaming the disaster risk reduction into the development planning Develop and disseminate tools and techniques of effective community based disaster risk reduction among the development stakeholder Knowledge and learning centre on Disaster Risk Reduction Centres - ACEDRR Advanced Centre for Enabling Disaster Risk Reduction
Water Knowledge Centre (WKC) Training and Capacity Building Community Health Promotion Safe Drinking Water Sanitation Rain water harvesting Bio sand filter Small scale water bodies and agriculture development Research
Purpose Prepare young graduates to facilitate development action Shape the attitude (social concern) and build knowledge and skills with process orientation Clarify the self and the purpose of life (to become a development missionary)
Guiding principles Experiential learning Learning by experiencing (case in classroom and practice in field) Conceptualising and field practice (action – reflection – action) Theory : practice (50:50) Case learning Practitioners to teach Course design and materials development
PDM Framework Fact finding Building Relevance 14 credits Building Knowledge and Perspectives Consolidation of learning 33.5 credits 32 courses Action – Reflection – Action Building Operational Skills 20 credits Classroom Course Segment Fieldwork Segment Development Practice Segment 50% Preparatory Segment
Terms (Segments) Term I Term II Term III Term IV Term V Basics and Self Development Intervention models Management & Community Management & Policies Institution Building and Leadership FWS I FWS II DPS I DPS II Exposure to NGOs
Disciplines Basics of Development (BASICS) Technology of Development (TECH) Management for Development (MADE) Leadership and Institution Building (LAB) Communication for Development (CODE) Classroom Segment
Evolution of PDM PDM to 910 to 16 Duration One year 15 months 18 months Two years Credits Terms Disciplines5555 Courses
PDM – Features Duration – Two years Disciplines – Five Terms – Five Credits – 67.5 Courses – 32 More emphasis on attitude shaping and leadership development – academic and non-academic activities, interaction with development leaders, institutionalising mechanisms to build culture Students committees to unleash hidden talents Stabilising courses and offering elective courses (specialisation) Active, intensive learning Building professional attitude Development missionaries
Students from different states ` ` ` ` `
Placement of PDM graduates
Some Highlights about PDM PDM 1 –Quality writing and process documentation PDM 2 –Started new locations with integrated development projects PDM 3 –Demonstrated community organising PDM 4 –Initiated ‘Sports Week’ PDM 5 –Tsunami studies for initiating field projects PDM 6 –Development Dialogue Creativity in presentation and involvement in organising symposium Community organisation on a larger scale
PDM 7 –Started ‘Spectrum’ newsletter; Pilot on “Village Adoption” “Towards” a short film PDM 8 –Ethnic dinners, First online classes, PDM blog, Film club, “The Beginning” a short film Some Highlights about PDM (Cont’d.)
PDM 9 – Research seminar in Madurai Symposium 2009 Policy paper presented in IIMB PDM 10 – Booklet on Gandhi PDM 11 – Presented and organised ‘Union Budget Watch’ Produced three short films Ornament fish pond in the Academy Partcipated in “YUKTI” Some Highlights about PDM (Cont’d.)
Initiated process of designing HERITAGE event, Republic event with communities, Paper published on “Microfinance for integrated poverty reduction” PDM 12 to 16 – ‘Independence Day’ with communities Organizers of HERITAGE Some Highlights about PDM (Cont’d.)