In 2013, there were 51.2 million refugees and displaced people. They fled their homes because of war, conflict, disaster and terror. They want a better future.
Who will help refugee families fleeing conflict in Burundi? UNHCR/ B. Loyseau
Who will help refugee and migrant families arriving in Italy? UNHCR/F Malavolta
Who will help refugee families fleeing conflict in Central African Republic? LWF Cameroon
Who will help refugee families fleeing conflict in Syria? LWF/M. Renaux
Who will help refugee families fleeing conflict in Iraq? LWF/ S Cox
Who will help refugee families fleeing conflict in Myanmar? Act for Peace
Who will help refugee families fleeing conflict in South Sudan? LWF/ M Renaux
God in your mercy, Open our hearts and minds to the men, women and children who have fled home.