Por 3U3L1
Motive o Lo hice por amor. o I did it for love.
Duration o Estudié por 2 horas. o I studied for 2 hours.
Cause o El Salió mal por no estudiar. o He failed because he did not study.
Movement Through or Along o El ladrón escapó por la ventana. o The thief escaped through the window.
By…Passive voice o Hamlet fue escrito por Shakespeare. o Hamlet was written by Shakespeare.
For the sake of o Trabajamos por nuestros hijos. o We work for (the sake of) our children.
In exchange for o Te doy mis aretes por tu collar. o I will give you my earrings for (in exchange for) your necklace.
In place of o Trabajas por mí. Estoy enfermo. o You are working for ( in place of) me. I am sick.
Pay for o Pagué $30 dólares por este libro. o I paid $30 dollars for this book.
Thanks for… o Gracias por ayudarme con la tarea. o Thanks for helping me with the homework.
By means of… Via o Mandé la carta por avión. o I sent the letter by plane. (Air mail)