Plato, The Republic
Question 1. “And how will they proceed? Will each bring the result of his labors into a common stock?— the individual husbandman, for example, producing for four, and laboring four times as long and as much as he need in the provision of food with which he supplies others as well as himself; or will he have nothing to do with others and not be at the trouble of producing for them, but provide for himself alone a fourth of the food in a fourth of the time, and in the remaining three-fourths of his time be employed in making a house or a coat or a pair of shoes, having no partnership with others, but supplying himself all his own wants?” In your own words, describe the dilemma or choice that is being put here.
Question 1. “The choice that is being put forward is that of should a person do one thing well and sell it to get what they need from other people or should they do everything for themself at a poorer quality. It is asking if it is better to try and do everything for yourself rather than doing what you are good at and relying on others to do the rest for you.” Zeb
Question 2. It is agreed in the dialogue that a worker will be more efficient when he only has one occupation. What reasons are given for this?
Question 2 “A worker would be more efficient if they had only one occupation, because they would learn that one skill and become better at it and faster at it over time. They would produce quality things at a fast rate, making things more efficient than if people focused on many occupations at the same time.” Anna
Question 2 “The main reason given to support the statement is that a worker will be more efficient working in only one occupation, and specialising in certain skills will allow the task to be completed to a higher standard. A large factor regarded in one specialising skill is their natural ability of this skill and if there is any natural talent. ‘There are diversities of natures among us which are adapted to different occupations.’ (Excerpt A)” Kathy & Rosie
Question 3. In this excerpt, Plato is making the argument that the city should be ruled by specialised philosopher-kings. Explain this argument.
Question 3. “As explained in excerpt A, specialisation is required for a task to be done to its full potential, and in excerpt B Plato explains that the same principle must be applied to politics, with a specialist ruler required for a city to operate to its full potential.” Aidan
Question 4. What does the allegory of the cave have to do with Plato’s belief that the city should be ruled by the philosophers?
Question 4. “Plato believes that the philosophers are like prisoners who have escaped from looking at the wall. They perceive things in a new light and the “true reality”. The Prisoners who are looking the shadows can be compared to the labourers who only specialize in one area of work.” Nic
Question 5. “Which of the two classes should be the rulers of our State?” Who are the two classes? Which class does Plato think should rule the state? Why?
Question 5. “Plato believes that the ruler of the State should be “Whichever of the two are best able to guard the laws and institutions of our State — let them be our guardians [rulers].” (Excerpt D.)The two classes are the wise and educated and the uneducated. Plato personally believes that the philosophers should be the rulers of the State as they have a deeper understanding of life and are better equipped.” Kate