Philosophy Revision for Online Learning Platos's Allegory of the Cave edu/smcohen/320/ m i/Allegory_of_the_cave Complete a brief mind- map which identify key features of this concept edu/smcohen/320/ m i/Allegory_of_the_cave Nietzche and Moral Relativism rry/nietzsche.html i/Moral_relativism m/cultural_relativism.html rry/nietzsche.html i/Moral_relativism m/cultural_relativism.html
Analysing the film up close… The Matrix- Analysis Rob Ager c/ /The-Matrix- Analysis-by-Rob-Ager An excellent useful critical resource for developing a critical voice in analysibg c/ /The-Matrix- Analysis-by-Rob-Ager Youtube Clips for The Matrix watch?v=XiWUNUIYx8U &feature=related watch?v=VgRq3S1qync watch?v=qglvaToq4SM&f eature=related Consider how codes and conventions operate in creating mise en scene within the film text watch?v=XiWUNUIYx8U &feature=related watch?v=VgRq3S1qync watch?v=qglvaToq4SM&f eature=related
Hyper-reality and the Media Read the web linked materials on hyper- reality. Using a concept map- analyse how hyper-reality can apply to any of the following four areas by using a concept map or graphic organiser. lard-and-Hyperreality/364 hyperreality.htm lard-and-Hyperreality/364http:// hyperreality.htm
Baudrillard Simulacra and Simulacrum Please answer the questions in the given web resource ve/courses/warner/english122tg/MartixBau drillard.html ve/courses/warner/english122tg/MartixBau drillard.html
Your Task.. Please use the above resources to write up an essay as practice preparation for the exams Use the following focus question to guide and focus your writing and include philosophical theories and evidence from the film with close reference to specific scenes Discuss how the use of formal techniques and symbolism in The Matrix contributes to your understanding of the film. Please upload this essay into IVLE workbin created by your Literature teachers respectively