By Refilwe Sinkamba Social Work department, University of Botswana
What do you in the picture?
Introduction Violence against children is a significant problem that has affected Africa and the world at large Children are highly sensitive to domestic violence At any age they are able to detect and remember abuse that happened within the home where directed to them or to their caregivers Research indicate that the boy child is more sensitive and is affect more than the girl child However boys are raised that they are tough, they should not cry, they should not show their emotions
Forms of domestic violence Children are faced with many forms of violence that include; Physical violence, psychological violence, sexual violence Research indicates that 60% of children in Zambia, Morocco, and Uganda and half of the children in Mali and Ethiopia reported experiencing physical punishment from family members. 16% of those children shared that the physical violence left scars on their body, and 25% said the afflicted pain stopped them from going to school or playing outside the house (The African report on violence against Children, 2014)
Sexual abuse and psychological abuse In Tanzania about one quarter of girls and boys reported at least 1 incident of sexual violence occurred in the field, bush, river or roadway. 1 in 10 girls and 1 in 20 boys mentioned incidents in a public building such as a business or bar Survey done in Ethiopia reported children with a prevalence of 53%, Morocco 75% while Zambia reported 72% of psychological abuse
Boys experiencing sexual violence Forms of sexual violence MoroccoMaliUgandaZambiaEthiopia Approache d or spoken in a sexual manner Touched in a sexual manner Forced to look at sexual acts Purposely exposed to private parts Had sex with a member of the family 30010
Psychological violence experienced Type of violenceMozambiqueKenyaGhana BoysGirlsBoysGirlsBoysGirls Insults Threats
methodology The study uses insights from responses on a study conducted among years both from 1 Junior school and 1 senior school in Selibe Phikwe town. The study sought to establish the effects of domestic violence on the boy child Social learning theory was used Recommend appropriate measures that address domestic violence on the boy child
Significance of the study Domestic violence has both short and long term effects on the boy child that include, the boy child exhibiting general aggressiveness and violence to siblings or to the victim’s parent in ways that emulate the abusive parent the boy child experiencing domestic violence may use violence for solving problems at school and home such a child may be at a greater risk of being a runaway, suicidal, and a juvenile offender These effects are internalized and externalized by boys, which lead to depression, including sadness, shame, hopelessness and helplessness.
Findings from the study Forms of violence experienced Effects domestic violence VariableFrequency n=60Percentage % Physical abuse4880 Emotional abuse4473 Sexual abuse1830 Psychological abuse Variable Frequency n=60Percentage % Emotional effects Physical effects4575 Social effects3761.7
Recommendations Botswana has to strengthen its commitment and action especially in including the boy child Botswana has to concentrate on the prevention programs rather than responsive Specific psychosocial support programmes for boys Capacity building for boys to know how to live with the girl child Strengthen the capacity of service professions who work with children the family system to seek for help when their boys
Recommendations (2) Have specific psychosocial programs for boys who experience domestic violence Strengthening research on domestic violence and the boy child as well as having a systematic nation data collection
Recommendation (3) Using PSS
Thank you! Na totela! Kealeboga!