Открытый урок по теме «Школьная форма» Чурикова Галина Михайловна учитель высшей категории МОУ гимназии №7 с. Донское Труновский р-н Ставропольский край.


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Presentation transcript:

Открытый урок по теме «Школьная форма» Чурикова Галина Михайловна учитель высшей категории МОУ гимназии №7 с. Донское Труновский р-н Ставропольский край 2009 год.

Topic: “What’s in ? Clothes for pupils”.

The problem of the lesson. All schools in the world are different, and what does school uniform mean for you?

The items of the lesson. Listen the text; Listen the text; Answer the questions; Answer the questions; Discuss why our students like or dislike to wear school uniform? Discuss why our students like or dislike to wear school uniform? Read the text; Read the text; Make mini-project. Make mini-project.

Answer these questions. 1. what country did the school uniform originate in? 2. Do all countries have polices about school uniform? 3. In what country was a military-style uniform introduced? 4. For what reasons was a uniform introduced in some countries? 5. Is the school uniform becoming popular in the USA? 6. In what country is the approach to the school uniform more reasonable?

Questions Answers 1. What country did the school uniform originate in? 2. Do all countries have polices about school uniform? 3. In what country was a military- style uniform introduced? 4. For what reasons was a uniform introduced in some countries? 5. Is the school uniform becoming popular in the USA? 6. In what country is the approach to the school uniform more reasonable? 1. England 2. No, they don’t, some countries have nation policies 3. Japan 4. For discipline, to identify boys reduce class differences 5. Yes, it is 6. In some European countries

Elementary school Elementary school Secondary school Secondary school High school – sense of belonging to a school.