Commissioning Process and Intentions; Sexual Health Commissioning in Public Health Tri-Borough Sexual Health Providers Forum 26 Jun 2013
Contracting Process (WCC) Many similarities with NHS Procurement (legislative framework) Governed by Standing Orders (Financial regulations, Procurement code) Competitive process is the default position
Contracting Process (WCC) Approach determined by value Anything over £100,000 is strategic and must go to competitive tender Strategic procurement against defined specification Evaluation (MEAT) Award processes vary (thresholds for Officer or Member decision)
Contracting Process (WCC) Category Management 3. Generating options, testing hypotheses and deciding on the sourcing strategy 4. Buying activity – e.g. Issue tender 3. Develop Category Strategy 4. Approach the Market 5. Evaluate the offers , choosing the supplier and contracting 2. Defining our needs and the supply market position 2. Develop Category Profile 5. Select Best Option and Contract 6. Post Award Contract Management 1.Project Setup 6. Ongoing contract and relationship management 1. High level category planning and setting up project activity
Commissioning Intentions Total contract review Internal service mapping – impact of Public Health on other Local Authority directorates and vice versa Continued development of strategy following publication of JSNA HIV Service Review Focus on young people Actual commissioning intentions for 2014-15 expected by September / October 2013
Public Heath Outcomes Health improvement: Chlamydia diagnosis (15 – 24 year olds) Under 18 Conceptions People presenting with HIV at a late stage of infection Improving the wider determinants of health: Violent crime (including sexual violence)
Local Authority Opportunities Better synergy between departments e.g. youth services, housing, arts and leisure, planning, licensing; ‘Whole Council’ approach Health and Wellbeing Board structures Tri-borough; coherent services across a wider footprint Review and refresh services commissioned
Systemic Challenges Public Health to be delivered from within a ring fenced grant Ability to directly influence commissioning of whole system e.g. abortion services Decision making processes working within a democratically accountable structure
Other priorities JSNA proposals Third sector commissioning framework Developing external relationships e.g. PHE, NHSE, CCGs, Healthwatch
Questions and Discussion Ewan Jenkins Sexual Health Commissioner Tri-Borough Public Health Service (Hammersmith & Fulham | Kensington & Chelsea | Westminster) Westminster City Council 020 7641 4659